More threads by sarmcl


Jul 7, 2017
Reaction score
Weird situation here

  • Have a SAB with a verified listing. That listing was suspended at some point but then reinstated
  • Recently the location was getting reviews BUT they weren't showing on their profile
  • Then we found a duplicate VERIFIED listing somehow and that Is where the reviews are going. Same name and same phone number BTW!
  • The interesting thing is both have different CID's.
  • We have no way of trying to request access to the dupe. I do not see any way to try and request access.
  • Even more weird is you cant really find the duplicate unless you go down a rabbit hole. Its almost like when they reinstated the suspended listing they didn't clear it off from the back end so its not gone
I know that's a lot of information but we don't know what to do. Email support has not been of help. They wont merge the listings since they are both verified.
Sounds a bit buggy. I'd suggest asking for help with this one at the GBP Help Community since you can't get anywhere with support.

They are correct that they can't merge two verified listings but there should be a way to fix this.

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