More threads by Rich Owings

Rich Owings

LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
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It doesn't seem to matter how many people report an error to Apple Maps, it takes many months to get something fixed. I've submitted to all their major map data suppliers too, and corrected pin locations on Does anyone have any suggestions about ways to speed things up? @Andrew Shotland ?
Hi Rich

Our team has seen success in using an iphone or Ipad to make these edits manually. Recently had a situation where an emergency room was showing actually hours of operation. Obviously they are open 24/7. We simply go in and suggest the update. Within a week it was changed. Our team does all manual work with Apple. We have alot of issues working with Apple Maps Connect.
Thanks, @sarmcl. I suspect it's easier to fix those kind of issues than it is to correct an address error or placement on the map. Those are the ones that it's hard for me to resolve. Have you ran into that?
Yes. Unfortunately it usually takes multiple edits to have them change things. I am hoping one day Apple Maps will get it together and make a better product thats actually supported.

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