More threads by racebum

Jan 2, 2013
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i'm trying to figure out how to get this to work in the validator. site is Carpet Cleaning Hillsboro Oregon | Mountain View Carpet Care and i added a footer link to my plus author page as well as verify the domain email but it's not checking out on the google checker tool. you can see the link back as kyle van there in the footer

when tested in rich snippets it says

Page does not contain authorship markup.

from what i gather rel=author is the only way to make this work if you have a hidden address in places. personally i'm still waiting to be put back in the locals but was looking to do this to improve organics and of course have the author picture which should follow to places.
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Re: Critical 4 Local - Author Rank, Publisher & Author Markup - What you NEED to Know

one other thing. on another forum i visit {also called catalyst oddly enough} a similar thread is going and i received the reply

Automatically detected author name on webpage: kyle vanderzanden.
Error: Author name found on the page and Google+ profile name do not match.

i know this has to be the problem. how in the world do you auto detect author name on a page? i couldn't find any tool in rich snippets to do so, i don't even understand how that appears

i don't particularly mind changing my G info back to that, just have gotten use to the shortened version for the past few years and have no idea how this auto-author stuff came to be

i have spent the past hour looking for some type of utility to auto detect authorship but i can't find a thing.
Sorry racebum, had to spit your request for help on your specific probem off to it's own thread here in the help thread.

I left a note in that general discussion asking David or someone to help you since authorship is not my strong suit at all.
Kyle, I found your problem--your author tag in the footer is missing two " marks. Here's the way it is right now:
a href=" rel=author"

Here's what it should be:
a href="" rel="author"

See it? You need to add a " to the end of ...0132 and another one before the word author. Make those small changes then check it again. It should work.
david. that was a serious eagle eye you had there, did what you suggested and ran it through rich snippets again. came back as "Authorship is working for this webpage."

Link (direct or indirect) from website to Google+ profile: Yes
Public contributor-to link from Google+ profile to : Yes

just to make sure i understand this in general. with a service business that has a hidden address you can use rel=author but not rel=publisher? correct? incorrect?

i read blumenthals blog at

regarding the subject but i'm still hazy on if rel=publisher would be correct to try and implement in my particular situation, service business, hidden address which means no business + page
Kyle, I found your problem--your author tag in the footer is missing two " marks. Here's the way it is right now:
a href=" rel=author"

Here's what it should be:
a href="" rel="author"

See it? You need to add a " to the end of ...0132 and another one before the word author. Make those small changes then check it again. It should work.

Serious eagle eye is right! Good catch David!

Better watch out! You keep this up and I'm changing your title from "Member" to Authorship Troubleshooter! :p
Well, thank you both! (picture me raising one eyebrow and straightening out my tie as I say that) lol Cool, glad it's working now.

Kyle, I think that the only way (from what I've found) that you can set up the publisher tag and verify it is through your Google+ Business page. So if you don't have one, I don't think it will work. I have not seen a way to verify a website through a Local page for the sake of the publisher tag. So if it doesn't exist right now, hopefully Google will add a means to do so soon.
i didn't think so but i had to ask, i may end up with a small store at some point too

lastly. is there any negative impact to claiming authorship on various sites i own? this would enhance organic pages that i have specifically for various keywords

i know at some point a person would cross over to the spam side. say they have 6 sites and push all to the front page of the same keyword. i'm just curious where the official line is on that or if there is one.

many of the more competitive folks run an organic exact keyword match domain page and a places business page to maximize page presence

any pros/cons to claiming authorship of both?

my whole thought process is how to maximize without being on the wrong side of the fence
Kyle, if you're asking whether or not setting up your authorship tags on a few different sites would hurt you in any way, no it won't. It would probably help. Many blogs have several different authors, and many authors write for several different blogs. So if an author regularly produces good content and that content gets ranked well, the author's rank goes up, too. And anything that author writes will (in theory) rank higher because of his/her author rank. So if you always try to produce good content, your author rank will continue to climb, which will help your pages to rank higher.

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