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Nov 24, 2023
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started a new company over the past year or so and we are up to 18 office locations with plans to be nationwide. just now getting our website set up, upon talking to a few agencies, we are getting quoted to set up bulk verification on google. they would coach us through the process. I have done seo for quite some time, so I understand the process a bit. and I understand how to do the video verification stuff.

question: do I need 10 VERIFIED listings in my account before I apply for bulk, or am I supposed to have 10 UNVERIFIED listings in my account... or is it either way ??

since our business is new, I am thinking it might be smarter to just 1 by 1 verify those listings until I hit 10 over the next month or two, then apply for bulk once I have 10 verified listings. considering we don't have much of an online presence and google would probably deny me with 10 unverified listings...
You need to be the listed owner for ten verified locations prior to requesting bulk verification. You need to have all 18 locations uploaded into your dashboard. You need to have all 18 locations listed out on your website too.
You need to be the listed owner for ten verified locations prior to requesting bulk verification. You need to have all 18 locations uploaded into your dashboard. You need to have all 18 locations listed out on your website too.
@keyserholiday is right, you need at least 10 verified listings in your account to apply for bulk verification. These listings should all have the address showing as well, not sure Google allows SABs to be bulk verified. You will also want to work on building the online presence because if Google cannot verify these 10 locations as legit they may deny you bulk verification.
SABs don't qualify for bulk verification. Even if you are bulk verified, you can't instantly verify a SAB.
I have had several issues with Bulk Verification in the past few months. Followed all the guidelines and used an email that was managed by the client to request bulk, where the only locations were the client's. That seems to be important. If you access GMB with an email that is an owner of many other businesses, your request will be rejected.

Both responses from Google Support have been similar and vague:

Thank you for being patient. After a careful review, we've confirmed that some of the attributes for your Business Profiles aren't eligible for Bulk Verification.

For more info on our best practices, go to:

Kindly review the content and implement all applicable steps. Once completed, you can apply for Bulk Verification again.

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