More threads by FatSniper

Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score

I have a client who I boosted to #2 in organic (behind Thumbtack) and #2 in Maps.

The Maps listing just went up on its own from the organic boost. I didn't touch it.

Anything I can do to help get him to #1 in Maps at this point?

Congrats on your success with your client! Unfortunately, it's going to be pretty hard for anyone to give you reasonable advice without having a listing to look at, and the search query you're talking about. If you'd like a general list of ideas on what to work on to help get your client the top spot though, my favorite overview is here.
James is right a little more detail would allow us to help you better but one trend I notice is that quality link building (compared to other factors) generally helps to make the leap to #1.

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