More threads by Jeffrey


Dec 18, 2018
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Recently, my client left his old practice and joined a new one. The old practice managed his GBP, but since he moved, they have not been very cooperative. The practice decided not to give the doctor access to his profile, but to continue using it to generate leads for their business. We requested access, but they did not respond. What would be the best way to gain access to the claimed GBP, since we cannot reclaim it by phone or post card? End goal is to gain access and update the address on his old GBP.

I would contact Google business profile support and see what they say. When it comes to ownership of practitioner listings it can get a little tricky. Let us know what they say and I might have a second path to trying to figure it out if you don't get anywhere with support.
Hi Colan,

Google is requesting that I send out a postcard to the old address and when I don't receive it, they will escalate the issue to their specialists team who deals with verifications. They also noted that their system will consider the updated address on the profile and will dispatch a postcard accordingly.

Do you think I should send out a postcard to the old address?

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