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Jul 17, 2017
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My contractor client has a verified Google Business Profile that doesn't show his address. Somehow Google created a new listing (no one has access to it) showing his address.

I asked Google to remove it, flagging it as a duplicate, which they denied. I sent them another email with a screenshot showing the dupe listing. Is there anything else I can do?

The problem is when his customer searches for his business to leave a review, the Map shows a huge pin belonging to the newly created listing.
@LisaB - If @keyserholiday can remove the profile that shows the address, that would be the fastest solution.

If that doesn't work, I would claim the profile and then contact support and ask them to merge the two.

In my experience, Google won't merge and SAB with a storefront. However, I've talked to several knowledgeable people who tell me that they've been able to pull it off. So, it's worth a shot.

If Google refuses to merge, you'll have to remove the address so you have two nearly identical SABs and try again. (And for this to work, you might have to verify that rogue profile as an SAB first.)
My edits were rejected. I redressed it. Since it’s an unclaimed GBP at a residential address, it should be actioned and removed.
"If Google refuses to merge, you'll have to remove the address so you have two nearly identical SABs and try again. (And for this to work, you might have to verify that rogue profile as an SAB first.)"

Update: Google has removed the duplicate listings physical address, but still shows the directions link. So is the only solution to attempt to claim the duplicate, and then ask Google to merge the two?
@LisaB - Claim it and then contact Google. Don't bother verifying it; I don't think you'll need to. (I might be wrong, but it's definitely worth trying without the trouble of verifying.)
@Stefan Somborac Thank you! Both businesses are now verified. To merge the two listings, I've found that Google wants me to 'make a suggestion' to merge them. But the link Google lists to merge doesn't allow me to report anything. Or do I 'report an issue' while accessing the rogue listing?
@LisaB - First, you need to have a common user on both profiles.

Then, visit the Get Help form. Make sure you're logged in with the user account that's common to the two profiles.

Give the support team the URLs of both profiles to be merged and clear instructions on what you're asking them to do.

Please report back so we know how it goes!
Thank you Stefan. I have access to both profiles (both verified) and I already filled out the form giving Google both GBP links and asking them to merge the two.

Google responded with this:
  • You own both the main and the duplicate profiles:
    • You can remove the extra profile from your account. Your business still shows on Maps.

      This won't remove the duplicate from Maps, it just removes the listing from the account.
And this:
  • If you find more than one of the same business on Maps, and you want to merge the profiles:
    • You can suggest an edit on Google Maps.
    • If you haven’t received a response within 3 days of your suggestion, you can reply to this email to request a profile merge.
I've suggested an edit twice now.

Should I just respond to Google's email instead of waiting 3 days? If they don't want to merge the two, they could simply delete the one that shows the address.

Thanks again for your help.
@LisaB - Yes, reply to that email and explain the merge you're trying to accomplish.

Tip: The Get Help form often returns a generic email that's not helpful.* Save the messages you submit via Get Help to a Google Doc so you're ready to send them again. You can just cut/paste and send it in response to that generic email.

*I think this is by design: Google keeps costs down by using automation to minimize human resource expenses. (i.e. they don't want you to connect with a human if they can avoid it)

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