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Jul 7, 2017
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I reached out to support about this but wanted to ask here to.

  • Client has manager only access to their business listing(they provided us with their credentials)
  • The primary owner is an old vendor who they no longer work with. I was able to see the email address and emailed him 5 days ago about transferring ownership to us since we can not switch it due ton only being a manager. As of today, no response
  • Other than directly reaching out to support, I dont see anything else for me to be able to do in order to get full ownership since we are already managers on the listing. Is this correct?
Have your client create a new email address with the domain ie The add that email to Google analytics and Google Search Console. Then request ownership access with that email. The owner will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. Once the request is declined or 3 days have passed, your client will be able to file an appeal and they will be provide with a way to verify their affiliation with the business and gain access to it
Have your client create a new email address with the domain ie The add that email to Google analytics and Google Search Console. Then request ownership access with that email. The owner will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. Once the request is declined or 3 days have passed, your client will be able to file an appeal and they will be provide with a way to verify their affiliation with the business and gain access to it
I have a similar situation. This process won't affect the reviews or any other edits that have been made prior to the ownership request, correct?
Thanks! It will also remove all the current owners and managers from the profile as well once the new owner has verified the listing?
Hi Jason,

Is there an advantage to requesting access with a domain email affiliated with their GA and GSC vs requesting access with an email without that affiliation?

Hi Jason,

Is there an advantage to requesting access with a domain email affiliated with their GA and GSC vs requesting access with an email without that affiliation?


Yes. It comes down to a trust factor. If you use an email associated with the domain, add it to GA and GSC, you might be able to verify by phone or email. The current owner gets up to three days to accept or reject the request. Once they reject it or the three days expire, you will prove your affiliation with the business. Having that email address verified gives you more power and hopefully avoids the pin postcard route.
Can you request primary ownership of an account that's suspended? I think the primary owner (no longer associated) has an issue. We are trying to get primary ownership. It's a SAB so can't figure out how to request ownership since it doesn't come up when you do a search in the Google Biz prompt

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