More threads by Belen C

Belen C

Mar 20, 2019
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Hi to everyone, im dealing with an issue that it never happened to me before.

I recently got a new client that hire as for the managing of the GMB account. They have over 100 listings and all with lots of reviews and photos (hotels).
Previously, as far as i know, they didn't do any updates, check for duplicates (i found hundreds of spam listings that now im managing right now), and as well they didn't know the guidelines so not all the listings were ok.
When we started with them, they had 10 listings suspended (all from the same area). I optimize them in order to follow Google guidelines. All edits from the information page (NAP, hours, make sure they don't have service area) as i can't see neither reviews or hotel attributes.

Once i was sure everything was ok, i contact Google to reinstate my listings. For the first time since i work with GMB they denied them.

The awnser from them was what im quoting (as well they send me the guidelines):

"The listing includes activity from the account of a previous owner or administrator who was suspended for violating our guidelines. To promote your company with Google My Business, create a new listing and perform the verification process. Make sure that all the information that appears on your page complies with the Google My Business quality guidelines. We cannot offer you more information about this case."

Although that i was never in the situation that my listing was denied for reinstate, the suggestion of making a new listing was the first time that i heard.
The fact of loosing all reviews and pre information is not our main concern. My concern is if doing a new one in the future will bring problem. Our priority right now is to have activate listings for our hotels.

@JoyHawkins i read this last article. Any suggestion for this? I thought about deleting all the previous admins of the listing, change it from the location group and from there submit again for a reinstatement.

Do not create new listings. I have dealt with this issue many times. PM me and I will walk you through what to do. (I will need to ask some sensitive questions). After that I will need to escalate you to Google, which we will do via the support community.
Hey Belen,

Looks like Ben answered here already so I'd suggest what he's mentioning. The GMB forum is where we can escalate threads for listings to be reinstated.

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