More threads by dnp


Jan 13, 2022
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Hi all, has anyone else noticed that Google recently rejected a lot of photos and sometimes profile edits for no reason? I uploaded a few original photos of my client's storefront, and all of them were rejected except the logo. I also made some minor edits, and they were not approved but were accepted the second time I submitted the edits. So odd.
Make sure the photos adhere to the GBP photo guidelines. If they do not, you will encounter this error.
  • Format: JPG or PNG.
  • Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB.
  • Recommended resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide.
  • Minimum resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide.
  • Quality: The photo should be in focus and well lit, and have no significant alterations or excessive use of filters. In other words, the image should represent reality.

If all photos are following guidelines it may be a bug in which case you need to contact support and ask them to take a look.
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