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Jun 6, 2018
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Hey guys, I have always paid for kw research on fiver but with the last research done it did not seem that the guy fhad focused on my specific needs as quite a few kw's on his list are not relating to my intended services. So I would like to attempt kw research on my own but I cannot afford to pay for with Ahref or SEMRush right now. I can work with Ahref's Free keyword Generator and also SEMRush's "free" account which has limitations but for using my own site only it can work I think.

So I want to get the best kw's I can for "fixing Wordpress issues". now I have gone through these 2 entire videos a couple of times :

and made these notes from those 2 videos:

SEMRUSH Free Account
Find the top 2 sites [competition] for your kw’s
Search for example brooklyn web design
Use Command+F then search for the kw to see how many times it’s used on the page so like
Brooklyn 1, website design 11, 250 words – Use more than them.

See which kw’s they are ranking for
Run kw gap and backlink analysis
See which pages they are ranking for
How much content and type on those pages
How many times the kw’s are used on those pages
How many backlinks they are using and from where?
Blogging strategy and types of posts

but first step I am missing guys, is how to know which base kw is best to start with, I think this is key because whatever base kw I should enter into google or any tool, the searches will show results based on the kw entered. I want to get the best kw's for "fixing wordpress issues" so is there any tool where one can enter those 2 words and see results on the best possible keywords to start the research please? Then from that list I can go researching the top 2 competitors for competition research.
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To choose the primary keyword, you'll want to think more as a searcher.

Just like with a car, people don't type "fixing car issues", they're going to be somewhat specific - "jeep compass TPMS won't turn off", or "reset TPMS light on Jeep". It's pretty specific.

Someone searching google is probably not going to type "fixing wordpress issues" as their search query.
Moving UP the ladder we'd have "fix Wordpress issues" which leads to "fix Wordpress" which leads us to "how to fix Wordpress" as being a possible, but we need to be much more specific.

Today, I received an email for "Wordpress not responding" as the subject line. It turned out to be a "Wordpress can't connect to the database", and the issue itself actually ended up being a corrupted plugin which caused the problem. But the user didn't know that, they could only repeat what the screen said.

A search that we used to get quite a bit of traffic on is "elementor Post CSS-File is deprecated" (we're still #1 on that search) - it's a very specific error, but it's one that happened a lot in Elementor 2.x. The error is hardly generated these days as Elementor is in Version 3.x - so while it generated traffic before, it doesn't do much today. That phrase likely woudln't show up on any keyword research sheet or tool either.

What I'd start with would be the top 15 issues in WordPress with base information on the error, what causes the error and a brief of how to fix it (or hire you to fix it). You'll need to be specific on the issue.
Yes, thanks, that is correct, I had done a research on a top competitor and their kw's were about very specific wordpress issues. So I can do some research on the top or most common WP issues but any way to figure out which from the list would be the top issue please?
any way to figure out which from the list would be the top issue please?

KW Research tools may show some info, but do a search in Google for the issue (in quotes) and it will show you how many other pages mention that same phrase. Also check on Twitter or other mediums to see if the issue is being discussed.

If you're on WordPress Forums or WordPress User Groups in Facebook, Meetup etc - you can get ideas there based on how many people are talking about something. But it's not going to show numbers as such. In those cases, you're just gauging on popularity.

For Wordpress, also check on WPBeginner and other such blogs as they often show how many times a particular post has been shared. Then there's the various code places like StackOverflow for more specific code issues.

If you're not starting with a competitor and finding out what their keywords are and then deciding from there, the process can be a little overwhelming. You'll need to think of other terms for "support" like "troubleshoot" or "care" (surprising, 'wordpress care' gets 80 searches a month). But you can see how that's unrelated to everything and the only way I saw that phrase was by looking at what other place was targeting.
Oh, and to get a top list of wordpress issues, just type that into google - "most searched issues in wordpress" or "top wordpress problems" it'll give you plenty of Top 10, Top 15 and Top 50 lists to look at issues and write about.
Hey guys, the developer I work with told me that out of those 50 items on the list in the link:
that these are the most frequently asked questions:

1. internal server error
16. wordpress not sending email error
19. too many redirect issue in wordpress error
43. http error when uploading images in wordpress

So SEMrush is showing only one low KD 28 and Vol 50 which is for "internal server error wordpress WooCommerce" and Ahref tool is showing KD of 25 but only Vol 10, with that low vol should I target that kw please?
You may need to mix up the words a little. Doing a google search for "internal server error wordpress woocommerce" in quotes only returns a total of 6 results. Only 6 pages, on the entire web (in Google's database), are using that phrase in that order. As such, I can imagine the search volume is going to be very low if at all.

If the user is a WooCommerce user, then they're already a WordPress user, so they likely wouldn't use both words in a search.

Here are some ideas from ahrefs;
Keyword PhraseUS Search VolumeKeyword Difficulty
internal server error WordPress30042
internal server error woocommerce2017
500 internal server error WordPress25042
WordPress 500 internal server error20042
WordPress internal server error 50015039
WordPress internal server error10041
WooCommerce internal server error15017

You can see that just a change between "internal server error woocommerce" with 20 searches vs "woocommerce internal server error" gets 150.

The searches being done would likely need to be expanded from being an explicit search to being a group of searches. Using the sample from the list above, if you targeted WordPress internal error, you'd have 300+250+200+150+100 = 1,000

I'm not saying there are 1,000 searches available, but if you were to get top placement for each of the phrases all pointing and discussed in a single article, you'd likely get several hundred searches and potential for clicks.

All that, keeping in mind that this is a highly competitive term as every online WordPress documentation is going to have a section about "internal server error" along with every hosting company having a knowledgebase article saying what to do when you get the error, Google's documentation about a "500 internal error", Apache, LightSpeed and all the other server software and website control panels are also going to be talking about it.

But going back to my original point - "internal server error WordPress WooCommerce" will likely have that low volume as it's not something many would search for as a user of WooCommerce is a user of WordPress, so they'd likely search for one or the other word, not both.
Hmnn, this confusing I must say. Maybe I should just add these errors to an existing Wordpress Maintenance article instead of creating an article around it?
Hmnn, this confusing I must say. Maybe I should just add these errors to an existing Wordpress Maintenance article instead of creating an article around it?

I'd creat an internal server error article, add in each of the phrases, add some more context, then pitch your maintenance service and link back to your maintenance packages. One main article talking about internal server error is usually going to have better ranking than a big article discussing lots of topics.
Thanks, what should be the main kw please "wordpress internal server error" or "wordpress internal error"?

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