More threads by bluehabit

Mar 28, 2013
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If you are using your primary residence in Google+ how do you go about hiding the address? Do you need to set up a service area based business instead?

At the moment it marks my house on the map and I don't really want everyone to be able to see it.
The settings you showed as selected in the other screenshot are close. I recommended setting city you are in, instead. Then when it hides address it will put your marker in the center of the city. If you enter your city and your zip it will put marker in center of that zip.
I'm trying to repair the same issue for my fianc?e's home business. What I did first was just remove the house number leaving the street. Was that a mistake? I did the edit just a couple of days ago so it still hasn't yet changed in the search results.
I'm trying to repair the same issue for my fianc?e's home business. What I did first was just remove the house number leaving the street. Was that a mistake? I did the edit just a couple of days ago so it still hasn't yet changed in the search results.

Hi David,

That's a bad idea. Google still needs to have the full business address in the account. Leave the address in the Places dashboard and select to hide it.
Thanks to both of you. I'm glad I checked.

The only way I see the "hide business address" is if I first select the option "travel to customers" or words to that effect. That's not untrue actually, but it's more likely her customers will come to her.

That also revealed more options for specifying the areas served more accurately, which is a bonus.

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