More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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"How long will it take before I'll see ranking results???"
Isn't that always one of the big questions clients ask? Well now you have a quick, easy way to answer
and give them at least a general idea AND set the expectation that over-night success is not a reality.

You may remember a post Phil Rosek, our newest Top Contributor did back in October.
How Long Does Local-Search Visibility Take?. Myself and several other top experts
weighed in with our opinions. If you missed it, it's a really good read.

Well today Phil published the cliff notes version and made an short, easy to read PDF chart.​

How Long Local SEO Takes: the Short Version

Some topics demand epic blog posts. The question of how long it might take your business to see good results from a local SEO campaign is one of those topics.

If you’ve read my post on this from last October, you know that it took a few vials of cyber-ink for me and 10 of my fellow local-search junkies to get our opinions across.

But sometimes you just want a handy recap. A project I was working on with Ken Fagan recently led me to whip together such CliffsNotes.

Wondering roughly how long it might take for your business to get visible in the Google+Local search results? Print this out and clear your kids’ artwork off the fridge:

So head over and check out the chart. And if you have not yet, read the original detailed post.

(Ken is a member here too and I've worked with him alot. He's a great guy and I predict will be the local search leader in France!)

Great stuff! Thanks Phil!

What do you think?
Thanks, Linda - for the forum post and for your contributions to the long "director's cut"!
This deserves to be laminated and kept in the back-pocket along with the Local Search Ranking Factors.

Thanks Phil!
That's high praise (way too high), Colan - but thanks!
Yeah, this was a great post and follow up to the original post last year. And like I mentioned in the comments: it's now stuck on my fridge with the other Local SEO material (or is it). Well, it's definitely stuck on my office pinboard, that's for sure!

Thanks a lot Phil!
No problem, Nick - count on me to clutter up your office pinboard!
Glad to have helped you out, Phil. Just my way of saying thanks for all of the help that you and all of the other local pros such as Linda have given to me. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.
Here is a follow up post to Phil's 2 posts from another Local search consultant with interesting viewpoints.

Jonathon Monk asks WHY SO MUCH BS around the question of how long local SEO takes.

How Long Does Local SEO Take and why so much BS? - Max Your Web

Why is it that there is so much BS surrounding what is really a very simple question – how long will my local SEO take?

This post was inspired by two amazing posts by Phil Rozek of

The reason I am writing this post as it was some very poor answers to this very question that inspired me to enter into the world of SEO and set up Max Your Web.

Thoughts about his comments?

My answer to the Q "how long does local SEO take?" The answer HAS to be varied and has to be
"it depends". If you truly understand local search and the 200+ factors that are currently at play in the local algo, then you realize there truly is no SINGLE easy or correct answer.

That's not snake oil SEO, that's honesty in my opinion.

Now I agree there are some shady SEOs that try to baffle and bamboozle SMBs with funky answers to the the question.

However the honest answer I believe is to quote a time range and explain that it totally varies based on the situation and even often varies based on things the SEO can't control like domain age, page speed, previous organic Panda or Penguin penalties, etc., etc., etc.
Glad to have helped you out, Phil. Just my way of saying thanks for all of the help that you and all of the other local pros such as Linda have given to me. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.

NP, David - and thanks again for your fancy footwork on the design!
NP, David - and thanks again for your fancy footwork on the design!

"Fancy" is not the word I would use. lol But glad I could help. Next time, we'll unleash the Adobe Creative Suite beast! lol And thanks again for doing that, for all of us.
Great information! And it is the $10 million dollar question! I tend to give the "it depends" answer a lot....I will put a rough time line to each project but let them know it depends. It can be faster or depends. Some people aren't happy with it depends and want it yesterday but that's what gets them into trouble with the other companies......
"Fancy" is not the word I would use.

Phil I'm one of those designed challenged folks.
So count me in the David Deering fan club too! :p

Sheesh we better be careful with all the praise or David's gonna drop local and start doing design full-time. ;)
Phil I'm one of those designed challenged folks.
So count me in the David Deering fan club too! :p

Sheesh we better be careful with all the praise or David's gonna drop local and start doing design full-time. ;)

It's really not a bad fan club to be in. I actually pay YOU to be in it. Its a win-win situation. And Linda, I'll take whatever work I can get! lol
Seems all clients ask this question...I suppose if I was a Local SEO, I would'nt know any better but to ask it too!

great job,
gregory smith

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