More threads by Ben Walsh

Ben Walsh

LocalU Member
Nov 20, 2014
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Hey Guys,

Looking for some feedback on how to take pictures and provide evidence in the correct way when driving to a competitor location you suspect isn't legit

I read Joy's ultimate guide, and it mentions taking pictures however, I'm curious from people who have done this what Google really accepts as evidence, obviously, if they aren't there, then how do you present the images so Google is confident this is the case, a few of these are in office buildings so it not as if you can just take a picture of an empty storefront etc.

Also, are videos on the table as evidence?

Thanks in advance!
@Ben Walsh, I've never done this personally, but over the years I've had a couple of clients and readers/fans who did some drive-by photography and reported to Google. As I recall, the basic approach consisted of either or both of the following: (a) take photos of what IS at the address that the competitor supposedly occupies (which is something Google can confirm or falsify), and (b) take photos of the directory signage (like the kind found in the lobby of an office building).
Thanks for the Feedback @Phil Rozek; this will help, I would ask if you aren't doing a lot of this yourself or asking your clients to do it either, do you find any value in taking these steps? or is it more hassle than its worth / low success rates? and do you find other evidence more effective when trying to prove a business doesn't exist inside an office block, i.e, calling them instead, etc?
@Ben Walsh, I'm not too sure. The jury's out. On the one hand, those clients' and others' photography seemed to have the intended effect. But I don't know that it provided Google support reps any info they couldn't find themselves, or changed their decision-making. They're pretty hidebound.
Hey Guys,

Looking for some feedback on how to take pictures and provide evidence in the correct way when driving to a competitor location you suspect isn't legit

I read Joy's ultimate guide, and it mentions taking pictures however, I'm curious from people who have done this what Google really accepts as evidence, obviously, if they aren't there, then how do you present the images so Google is confident this is the case, a few of these are in office buildings so it not as if you can just take a picture of an empty storefront etc.

Also, are videos on the table as evidence?

Thanks in advance!

In my country, we can do a paid search (for a few bucks) at the Registrar of Companies (a government body). The registrar will give us the address of the company & all its branches in the country.

If this service is available in your country, I suppose that you can use this document as additional ammo to support your case.

Note that while I've done the former (for other reasons), I've never done the latter.

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