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Jun 28, 2012
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Facebook SEO and BeastRank: 12 Potential Ranking Factors for the Upcoming Facebook Search Engine
by Glenn Gabe, Search Engine Journal
October 9, 2012

a real Facebook search engine, which has the potential to turn the search industry upside down. Mark Zuckerberg explained at Disrupt a few weeks ago that Facebook will tackle search, and that they are ?uniquely positioned to answer the questions people have.? He also explained that Facebook sees about one billion searches a day, and that?s without even trying. Last, and most importantly, he said, ?At some point we?ll do it. We have a team working on it.? Facebook?s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, also commented about Facebook search recently, explaining how the recommendations of your friends can be important for users looking for information. She spoke about how the social network can tap into the ?wisdom of friends? over the ?wisdom of crowds? in a recent interview with CNBC...

Facebook has so much query volume now (one billion searches a day) that it would turn into the number two search engine overnight (behind Google). Google sees approximately 100 billion searches per month globally, and if Mark?s statistics are correct, then Facebook would come out of the gates at approximately 30 billion searches per month. And by the way, that?s with horrible search functionality in place now...

So what if Facebook launches a killer search engine? What will it look like and how will it work? And more importantly for digital marketers, what will the ranking factors be?

Good one David! Thanks for sharing and starting this discussion.

I tend to ignore FB (at my own peril, likely) as I'm so entrenched with G+L which usually keeps me up to my eyeballs in alligators. :p

But this move could push FB more into our world so def should keeps eyes out and discuss.

I think I also read about FB starting to do restaurant reviews so may be moving into the review space as well.
Here's the post I read about FB moving into the reviews space.

When/if they do it will give not only Yelp but G+ a run for their money!

Facebook Tests Restaurant-Review Feature - Business Insider

Facebook is testing a restaurant-review feature, according to Bloomberg Businessweek?a move that would put it in direct competition with Yelp and Google's Zagat subsidiary.

Here's how Businessweek described the meeting where top Facebook engineering executive Mike Schroepfer quizzed colleagues on the design:

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