More threads by Nick Rink

Jul 20, 2012
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Can't for the life of me work out what's going on here so any thoughts would be appreciated. The business in question is a friend, not a client.

Business name is Greengages Payroll, which as the name suggests is a payroll bureau based near Epsom in Surrey (UK). If I do a search on Google Maps, MapMaker or on Google+ Local the results I get goes to a web design company. Here's the link.

This isn't something I've encountered before but I'd like to help sort it out if possible. Anyone have any ideas?
Hey Nick, that link didn't work for me here in the US.

But I tried to duplicate and got the design company.

Please provide a direct link to your clients G+ page since it does not come up in search.

I'm out for the day but will check it tomorrow.
Thanks Linda. That's just the thing though ... I can't find them anywhere on Google Maps or G+ Local. Everytime I search for them the web design company shows up.
Sorry assumed you had the link but just could not find them in search.

Google can't find them so it pulls up the only related listing. Since they are mentioned on the home page of their designers site that's what comes up.

Did they tell you they created a Place page?

Need to have them click from within dash to see where the link resolves. It will either go to that other site, in which case it's merged or to location not supported or 404, in which case it's dead or borked or maybe has violations. If it resolves to a Place page, then post the link to it and we'll try to figure out what's up.
I bet they do not have a Google Places Listing. If they don't hit an exact match on a map search, try their phone number or address, if that doesn't work, then they do not have a local listing.

You should do some more research and if you still can't find it, create them one.

Hope This helps

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