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Jun 28, 2012
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Matt Cutts and Othar Hansson on How to Establish Authorship
by Michelle Stinson Ross, Search Engine Journal
February 6, 2013

Have you ever noticed that some search results show up with a smiling face included?

Like this one for Matt Cutts.

This is the Google Authorship markup at work. And it?s not just for Matt Cutts. If you contribute written content to an online publication, your smile can show up in search for your work, just like a Google Rock Star.


Thanks for providing the video David.

Myself, Phil and Travis had a few discussions about Authorship (for local businesses) in January: aka: The best way for a local business to "activate" authorship when they don't have a blog.

I'm planning a blog post at some point on the matter, but for now here is my recommendation (for small local businesses):

Have a read of Yoast's Thread:

rel="author" and rel="me" in WP and other platforms

--------Scroll down to "Update: the simpler method"...

---Watch that video below it as well for instructions:


Top Tip: Put the code "+ Name" in the footer so that it's on every page.

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