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Thanks for your reply @MiriamEllis
I will do that this morning... I'll also update my original post with newly found stuff...

I must say, I'm not happy with the rollout and at this point feel BrightLocal (current subscriber) will offer a better service, at a more reasonable price (a savings actually).
Hey Miriam, I'm not trying to be hard on you, but I don't really think you answered any of our questions. If you can't answer them because Moz has asked you not to, that's fine. I'd rather you just come out and say that.
Hi Joshua,
I'm so sorry if I missed a specific question that you asked. Please, let me know what it is and I'll do my best to answer it. Also, I just want to highlight my invitation again to contact the support team at if you have a particular, technical question about your listings.
Hi Chris!
I wanted to respond to you specifically because you've taken the time to list this all out. Some of these items are already being worked on, but we would always be so appreciative of you reporting any bugs directly to us. Please, if you can, take a moment to communicate your list to Thanks!
Good morning Miriam. I've followed your direction and reached out to Moz - I'm not drinking the Kool Aid they are serving. The responses have either been very corporate, or the responder doesn't understand the context of the concern as it relates to client deliverables for citation management. In any event, a response without an answer. Perhaps you have more of an insight into their product roadmap, but I'm finding it difficult to find value in the new platform.
Hi Chris,

I actually chatted with my co-worker, Lucas, who has been going through each of your questions with you in support. While, of course, I won’t publish your ongoing exchange with Lucas here on Joy’s forum as it’s about your private account, I did want to validate that your questions posted publicly here were totally important. Other customers may have experienced a few of the same issues that you’ve cited in your list, so I did want to take the time to answer some of those more general queries here, in case others have the same questions but haven’t had the time to ask.

While Chris is getting 1:1 support for his 17 questions directly from our Help Team, I thought the community might like to have responses to 9 of his excellent questions that are widely-applicable, in case some of you are also Moz Local customers.

1. The screen hangs on the very first input page for a profile

I believe this has now been fixed. Sorry for the hiccup.

2. Payments, Brands, Social Profiles, and Images do not carry over from the previous version.

We’ve migrated all the rich data that we could from the old system to the new one. If anything didn’t migrate, I’m so sorry, but it will need to be re-entered. Image files, in particular, may need some special attention as any photos that were behind Google/Facebook logins couldn’t be migrated over. Any photos you add should be .jpgs/jpegs. Again, sorry for any inconvenience caused by the move.

3. There is no provision to dismiss a suggested change - like listing an email on a profile. The prompt will remain in your face.

This is a great suggestion for a future iteration. If you don’t want us to keep alerting you about a specific improvement we’re suggesting you make to a listing, we should consider allowing customers to dismiss suggestions. Thanks for the good product request!

4. None of the previous analytics/report data carried over, so all reporting starts at zero.

Your historical data is available for download in the top nav of the Moz Local dashboard.

5. The dashboard analytics don't state the timeframe for the data

Please see the Filter bar in the dashboard, which enables this function of searching by date component.

6., SuperPages, Yelp are not referenced (Gone).

YP and Yelp were never distribution partners of ours, though we did show indirect data about them in the dashboard in the past. We are no longer distributing to Superpages.

7. Only Factual is being displayed as an aggregator

We’ll continue to push to the remaining aggregators for listings that existed prior to the new Moz Local, as I mentioned elsewhere on this thread. For new listings, please find complete package information here: Moz Local Pricing and, as noted, we intend to further explore greater levels of package customization based on customers' very diverse needs in the coming months.

8. Categories are far from a complete listing from Google's catalog.

As this community knows only too well, Google is continuously adding new categories. We do our best to keep current, but if you have a missing category request, please send it to so we can investigate.

9. There is no provision for a toll-free number in the profile

You can use the primary number field for your toll free number, or, if you need to use that for a local number, you could use the mobile field for an additional number. There could be adjustments to this layout in future.

I hope this Q&A was of interest to the community, with thanks to Joy for hosting the discussion :)

And, as always, if you are a Moz Local customer and have questions about the product, please do make use of the resources like the User’s Manual and Help Hub or contact our Help Team!
@MiriamEllis I have a question regarding syncing. If I make a change in Moz Local , I do NOT want that to sync to GMB, previously I could block that, is that possible now and if so how?

Also you used to be able to add older addresses as alternates to cleanup, how is this handled now?
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Hi Rich!
Thanks for reporting. It's an issue we're aware of and resolution is on the way :). So sorry for the inconvenience. If you encounter any further hiccups, please report them to
Hi Ben,
I want to be sure you receive a good and thorough response to both of your questions from our support staff. Please, send questions about your listings to for 1:1 support. Thanks!
Hello all -

Has anyone had issues with the Service Area field in GMB with the new Moz local system? The new platform wiped all 13,000 service areas from my GMB listings.

Is there a bulk upload workaround in Moz vs manually entering all these service areas into GMB?

Hello all -

Has anyone had issues with the Service Area field in GMB with the new Moz local system? The new platform wiped all 13,000 service areas from my GMB listings.

Is there a bulk upload workaround in Moz vs manually entering all these service areas into GMB?

Related to this question about bulk uploading Service Areas, why would Moz/Uberall wipe out Service Area but doesn't allow any manipulation of it within the tool? Leaving it alone would be great.
Hello all -

Has anyone had issues with the Service Area field in GMB with the new Moz local system? The new platform wiped all 13,000 service areas from my GMB listings.

Is there a bulk upload workaround in Moz vs manually entering all these service areas into GMB?


Wiped it out of GMB or wiped it from your updated Moz dashboard?
Wiped it out of GMB multiple times, even when it was set to not sync. It was never in the Moz dashboard.
Another big issue we're having with the new Moz/Uberall is that we can't get access to the new API. We do a lot with putting the data into dashboards and all that has been broken since the new system. We keep asking and waiting for the new API information. The last expected time to get the information was Wednesday and it hasn't happened yet.
Has anyone here received access to the new API or know when we can expect to get access to it?
We finally got the answer on Service Areas and it is not pretty. Even without sync in place, connecting to GMB will always wipe out Service Areas in Uberall. If we can't connect, we can't get reviews.
Therefore, we cannot use the new Moz for GMB.
Amazing how fast things can change.
Confirmed this today too, oh well, time to look for an alternative.
They will also wipe out attributes. So silly that they do not sync from GMB on setup to Moz, that would solve all this as an issue and leave service areas alone since they are not supported.

Which brings to mind a question, will Moz wipe out services? Q&A? Shortnames?

@MiriamEllis thoughts?
Hi Wade & Ben!

I want to apologize in advance for what may be a pretty "in the weeds" explanation of the technical realities that are at the root of the issues you have both surfaced. I'm going to go into deep detail here in hopes that it will at least clarify what the issue is and what we're doing about it. Here goes:

There are actually two issues here that relate to two different business models: SABs and Hybrids. Let's look at them one at a time:

1) SABs

If you have a pre-existing GMB listing, and you have it set up as an SAB with a defined service area, but, when you create your Moz Local profile, you forget to check the checkbox reading “I don’t serve customers at my location address”, and then you sync Moz Local up to GMB, it causes a problem. Google thinks you are telling them, via Moz Local, that you are now a brick-and-mortar business, and so they eliminate your defined service area.

So, takeaway: it’s critical that you check that checkbox when creating your Moz Local profile so that the software is sending accurate info to Google. We’re working to highlight this more abundantly to customers because we’re very sorry folks overlooked this step and it caused them trouble. You can definitely manage SABs with Moz Local, but checking the box before you sync with Google is necessary.

2) Hybrids

This scenario is more complex and relates to an actual bug we are working on. Hybrids are a specific subset of Service Area Businesses (SABs), that are not true SABs, but are actually mixed models, meaning that they have both a physical location and a service area. Think of a pizza franchise with both restaurants and delivery.

Google made some alterations near the end of 2018 to include hybrids, and they also made some changes about how they support this model. Where this has become an issue for a subset of Moz Local customers is that our former software enabled you to pull Insights data and review content for hybrids without pushing out data, and this didn’t trigger a Google event like the one I’ve described above relating to classic SABs. This capability is not available in the new software so events are being triggered.

We are prioritizing the work of being able to support hybrid business models so that syncing no longer triggers a Google event. It’s a known issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and we’re working on it. If you have a hybrid business model and have further questions, please do contact

I hope that explanation shed some light on the two different business models, the necessity of being sure your profile is accurate before sync, and the bug we are working on.

Finally, I want to address Ben’s additional questions regarding other features not related to the above subject of business model types. Q&A, short names, and service menus are not fields in your Moz Local profile, so they will not change in GMB if they sync. Your pre-existing photos should not be overwritten. *However, I do want to take this opportunity to emphasize that if you are using appointment URLs, please be sure you are specifying them under the Rich Data tab of your Moz Local profile BEFORE you sync. It’s really important to fill out your profile with care.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer some further information here in the forum!

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