More threads by Ayan164

Jan 11, 2018
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Hey folks,

So I've encountered this multiple times over the past few weeks. When trying to gain access to a listing, after sending out the postcard and receiving the pin (or doing phone verification), the listing first goes on pending review (and you assume everything is fine). However, a couple of days later, we receive this following message on the dashboard:

"There has been no response to your request to manage this location. Claim this location to make updates to it on Google."

Once we click on Edit, we seen this message:

"Access Requested"

We sent your request for access to the current owner on Wednesday, January 3, 2018."

Below this message, there's a "Claim" link which only gives us the option to send out another postcard or do another phone ver.

So essentially: do we have to send out two postcards (or do two phone verifications) now in order to gain access to listings, especially service-area businesses?

I'm aware that getting access to service-area business through ANNA Forms has become a rather tedious method recently. Google e-mails from local-help tell us one thing, and Google Support reps will tell you something else entirely.

Has anybody else had experience with this "Claim" procedure?

Anyways, any help regarding this issue would be immensely appreciated. Thank you.

I've added a couple of photos for reference. Note: this is after we've already the pin.








I'm going to ask Google about this for you.
Actually, I have a question first. When you first go to claim the listing, it shouldn't allow you to claim the listing if it's already verified. It first makes you request ownership and then gives the owner 7 days to respond.

Did it actually allow you to send a post card before you heard back from the real owner? To my knowledge it shouldn't let you do that until you've gone through the ownership-access process which usually takes 7 days.

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