More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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Google just updated their Webmaster Guidelines. Not local specific - BUT since a large part of the blended algo now is based on organic, and since all of you AND your clients have web sites, the general Webmaster Guidelines updates are still important to stay up on.

They also added a new section for Rich Snippets Guidelines, which I know will be of interest to many Local Search consultants.

I don't have time today to really dig in to see if there is anything noteworthy for local sites. Just sharing to make sure everyone is aware and get a discussion kicked off.

Here is the post at the official Google blog. Google Webmaster Guidelines updated

Here is a link to the updated Google Webmaster Guidelines

Shout out any changes worth noting or anything interesting and new.
Oh, geez, Linda. I misread your title and thought there was an update to the Google Places Quality Guidelines. I said, "Oh, boy, here we go!". But no - pause - not yet :p

I'm not seeing any huge changes in the GWG, but it is good to know that Google has rolled out an update. It feels like it has been forever since that happened. Thanks for the alert. Hope you're not sweltering too much in the heat today. It feels like an oven here!
Sorry Miriam, didn't mean to induce heart attack!

Only 99 today. Better than yesterday's sweltering 101! :p

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