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Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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As most of you know my Google+ Local Training is very advanced. It's designed for serious pros who need a deeper understanding in order to take their business and client results to the next level.

FYI - I'm in process of totally revamping and expanding training, due to all the recent major Google changes and my vocal cord issues. The new Advanced course will be short on-demand video modules instead of 6 hours of live phone training. Which eliminates scheduling conflicts, makes it easier for you to digest all the info, and makes it easier on my voice. PLUS the new training is visual, not just audio, so all in all is about 100 times better than before! Should be ready to go next week. YAY!

However I only offer my training to consultants, SEOs and agencies, (no business owners) and hands-on experience with at least 10 Place pages is strongly preferred. So that also left out new consultants trying to learn the business or even experienced SEOs, just trying to break into local.

I've been searching for excellent, but more entry level training for the folks above. I'm constantly getting requests from folks that aren't a good fit for my training and have been keeping my eyes open for a solution. Well I FINALLY found the course!


The trainer is a known leader in the Local Search space and is also a contributor to David Mihm's Local Search Ranking Factors. The course is put out by one of the leading training companies in the SEO space. So everything is well thought out and professionally produced.

I've heard rave reviews from consultants that started there, then took my course, but this one is only offered once or twice a year. I just found out they have one coming up in mid October.

NEW! The ON-DEMAND RECORDED OPTION is now available.

I have no interest in teaching the basics, yet so many need the basics before they can even take my Advanced training. So I'm really glad it's being offered and am happy to turn you onto it.

If you or new staff, need basic or beginner local search training, please contact me for details.

Email: linda -AT-
Please Use Subject: Beginner Local Search Training
(So I send you the right info and don't assume you are inquiring about Advanced course)

Or if you are borderline and are not sure whether basic or advanced training is the best fit, then use subject: Basic or Advanced Training? and let me know a little about you and I'll try to explain the differences and see which course would be the best fit for your needs.

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Just giving everyone a heads up/reminder that the Local Search Basics Training course I mentioned last week, is coming up starting next week. Registration is limited to 35 and I think they will likely sell out.
So wanted to make sure anyone that needs more basic Local search training than my Advanced course offers, gets the word on this one.

A lot of my consultants have inquired about that course for their new staff members and even clients.
The top post above also includes instructions for contacting me, if you are borderline and are not sure if that "basics" course or my Advanced course is a better fit for you.

FYI my new totally reconstructed Advanced G+ Local training is almost finished too. YAY!

The new improved training includes 6 1/2 hours of videos and is jam packed with actionable advice. All the info has been updated to include (and explains) all the recent Google updates that affect your process and your clients. Also includes 30 page training doc with tips and resources filled with 70 links pointing to other important info. Plus lots more.

I'll be taking care of everyone that's on my priority notification waiting list 1st. Then will be emailing anyone else that's been waiting for the course. (So if you've been waiting for this training, feel free to email me to ensure you are on the priority list so you get notified 1st.) Then finally when I get caught up from my backlog of requests will make an announcement with all the details here. Thanks for your patience as I've worked through health challenges the past couple months to get this training finished for you!
Hope you get to feeling better Linda. I most certainly would like to inquire about the new and improved advanced training. Looking forward to more detail (if it's already too late for the upcoming session).
Hi Scott, for PROs that have taken my training in the past and want the new improved course and a refresher due to all the changes, never fear. I have you covered!

Need to get through my backlog of new inquiries 1st cuz lots have never had any training and need it. Then I'll be giving previous training clients a discount to get the new training which is like 100 times better because it's video, not just audio, and it's on-demand in bite-sized modules and has a ton of new content, including all the recent changes

If you have a pressing need for the new training now, email me a request and I'll give you the discount now. Just don't have time to create the formal announcement/offer for existing training clients til I take care of all the new ones that have been waiting.
Got it Linda. I can wait for a little while. I don't want to bog you down any more than you already are. Hope you feel better.
Scott I just set up one Pro (you all know and love) who could not wait and wants to dig into the new training, so I just set him up. It's no big deal. I have time this weekend. Just email me if you want to get set up now. The training is all ready and all the marketing materials. He was excited about the offer.

All that's left is figuring out how to get a mailing list of just all the Pros out of the forum. But I think I should be ready to email all existing Pro training clients on Tues or so.

FYI on the "Basics" course... It's coming up Monday (but there will be a recorded version available after the course.) The folks that have contacted me seem really pleased at the agenda and content that's being offered. Of the ones that have signed up, some are new consultants that need the basics, a couple were SMBs and a couple were "Local Pros" that needed basic training for brand new staff.
The basic local search course is already in progress and ends this week. It's really good and put on by a well known industry expert.

After the course is finished they'll be selling the course recording. Don't have pricing or anything yet, but if interested contact me with the email subject lines I mention in the 1st post. Then as soon as the new info page with the recorded option is up I'll send you the link.
The new on-demand recorded course with bonuses and guarantee is live now.

I'll probably do a new post about it with full details now that there isn't a scheduling issue with the live course or seat limitation.

Email if you need the info and I'll try to email those that are waiting with the details today.

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