More threads by HydroHot


Jan 27, 2025
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Just joined... my first question...:)

In November, Joy posted a blog on No-Follow links, and how they CAN pass juice if done right.
So, the blog article, found here: (No-follow blog post) indicated the benefits of the link... provided
they are "under the right conditions"...

My question:
1.) Does the "No-Follow" link to the target page... NEED to have a YouTube video
embedded into it or not...? As per the testing...

2.) AND... is there a general percentage rule of thumb for Follow and No-Follow links?

3.) AND... how do citations factor into either of these?

thank you,
EBL, HydroHot

(PS Team Sterling Sky.... I left this type of question in the blog comments, in December,
however it never appeared, probably newbie error...?)
1. No, definitely doesn't apply to just videos.
2. Not really. Followed links are better in the sense that even if they come from dumb sites they can still help, whereas no follow links matter if they are from good sources.
3. Most citations aren't worth much these days. Only the ones that rank on Google (check your branded terms) matter.
1. No, definitely doesn't apply to just videos.
2. Not really. Followed links are better in the sense that even if they come from dumb sites they can still help, whereas no follow links matter if they are from good sources.
3. Most citations aren't worth much these days. Only the ones that rank on Google (check your branded terms) matter.
1. No, definitely doesn't apply to just videos.
2. Not really. Followed links are better in the sense that even if they come from dumb sites they can still help, whereas no follow links matter if they are from good sources.
3. Most citations aren't worth much these days. Only the ones that rank on Google (check your branded terms) matter.

Thank You Joy...

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