More threads by JRS


Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
There is a lot of information out there about this, but since the june / July Google algo update, I'm curious what the 5 biggest levers to pull are to help get a business on page 1 / or into the local 3 pack - so, to influence their local GMB listing. Right now I'm feeling like user reviews are #1. The amount ( volume ) and - whats the word? The amount coming in every day or week. The consistency. This seems to be influencing things. I understand that. That's a longer term strategy though - using tools like GatherUp or developing an in house process to get more reviews. Are there other levers that are more directly controlled by an seo practitioner or business that will influence positively GMB 3 pack listings? This is assuming the 'basics' in gmb are accomplished - i.e all the right primary and sub categories selected, business name established, etc.

A few I'm using but w/ no crystal clear feedback its working:
1. on page seo. content + title tags + meta + internal linking
2. gmb 'actions' and 'tasks' i.e gmb posts ( according to Sterling Sky report this doesn't influence rankings ), categories being optimized, etc.
3. citations.
4. links

Are any of these seen as #1 right now? I'm just a little frustrated as it 'feels' like the actions taken above are having less direct impact on rankings.

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