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Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

We are already getting complaints from Dentist and Orthodontist as these new embedded maps are showing competitors along with the annoying ads. Is this the "Pay to Play" future of Google?

Oh no.... I was afraid of that but have not had time to test and didn't think it would be THAT bad.

That wasn't a map for a specific client's location was it Justin?

Because it's zoomed out so far and so busy your client's location would not even stand out.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

I just reached out to Barry to see if he has any more info he can share.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Hi All

For anyone to be clear on how you get back to classic maps;
click on the address in the g+ page
then when you get to the maps page click on the help ? icon
then go back to classic maps

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Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Hi folks, hope everyone had a nice 4th!

I am at a juncture where I need to embed a map for a local single location client, and although I began researching in a different thread and read about 40+ posts to arrive here, I remain a bit unclear as to the current best practice to embed is. Can someone please advise?

Thank you!
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Hi folks, hope everyone had a nice 4th!

I am at a juncture where I need to embed a map for a local single location client, and although I began researching in a different thread and read about 40+ posts to arrive here, I remain a bit unclear as to the current best practice to embed is. Can someone please advise?

Ya it's just hard because Google keeps changing things.

A quote on the maps forum from a TC - Barry Hunter.

"But not recommended as Classic Embed Maps have started mishaving, and will soon be turned off completely"

Based on that fact and based on the fact that many here struggled to embed from classic maps and then Google converted their classic map to new map anyway...

I say it's about time to give up the ghost and just embed from new Google maps.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Bummer. That's what I was beginning to suspect.
And, so the old method to hook with CID is out - correct?
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

On that note... I thought I would be clever and utilize the Google Maps Embed API.

I activated the API and generated the key, but after clicking "Looks Good" and pasting
the API key... it does not acknowledge (i.e. "Done" button does not fire) and won't allow completion.

3hrs into this seemingly simple task, arrrrgggh!! LOL
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Bummer. That's what I was beginning to suspect.
And, so the old method to hook with CID is out - correct?

Well unless you like beating your head against the wall! :D
Google giveth and she taketh away! :(

But here is what I'm thinking. If you still start with the listing 1st, then click to go to new maps - I think she'll still know the CID. I think it probably works the same and the CID is till in there, she just obfuscates it or it gets jumbled up in Java or whatever. (I'm not a coder, so don't know what code that is.)

AH HA! I just verified my thinking above is correct. (I think.)

I went to a random G+ L page. Clicked address to go to the maps listing, where in Classic you would find CID in the address bar.

The final link after the redirect is:


HOWEVER I noticed a really quick redirect on my way to NEW maps. So I intercepted the redirect and this is what it said:

Redirecting you to[COLOR="#B22222"]cid=2325566269971608059[/COLOR]&q=Eastlake+Chiropractic+Center&iwloc=A&gl=US&hl=en

Then here is the embed code:

<iframe src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d2688.0089970088375!2d-122.32565899999999!3d47.64539200000001!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x204612337f49b1fb!2sEastlake+Chiropractic+Center!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1404688703022" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0"></iframe>

So I'm pretty sure the CID will be in the map you embed. It's just not obvious and we can't read it, but I'm pretty sure Google can.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Hi Linda,

Nice redirect intercept :) No worries. I am right there with you on coding. It appears you are definitely onto something here!

I noticed a G+ post by Mike Blumenthal regarding the new embed API. The url build-out appeared cleaner and a bit more intuitive. I also thought the usage stats might be cool to gather and peruse, however, the build tool is not accepting my API key. Have you tried the API embed approach?

Thank you!
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Sorry, Dino, have not tried the API, but tomorrow when more pros are online I bet some of them have.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

I just linked to the last few posts above, in the appropriate threads in the On-site Local SEO training forum and the private Local Search Pro forum.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Hi Linda,

I finally got the Google Map embed API to work. That being said; I generated an embed code via the standard method on the new map and I also generated an embed code via the API. I ran them side-by-side on a dev page I am working on in order to compare the difference (if any) between the two. During the process, I hovered over the "View on Google Maps" link and noted the resulting urls. Both were identical and both contained a CID - further substantiating your redirect observation yesterday.


Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Dino - I hereby award you the Local Search Forum Detective Hat to wear for the next week! :D

Thanks so much for sharing that info and taking time to do the screenshots!!!

That's exactly the type of thing I wish I had more time to do to help the industry but just have no time to test these days. Would have tried embedding a map and checking that link eventually some day when I had time - but you did it for me!

You rock!

Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

WOW... That is an award to be coveted for sure! Thank you!

I am in the process of "Bootstrapping" a site for a good friend/client and really want to make it rock on a UX level and in Local Search, so I have been dotting the "i"s and crossing the... well, you know. Anyway, I figured I may as well and take it a step further ;-)

I was going to post it in the Pro forum, but couldn't seem to find the thread - sorry.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Check out new post:

<a href="">Creating Custom Google Maps with Google Maps Engine</a>
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun


Assuming the CID is an important number to grab for these Google My Business (GMB) listings, your hover method allows me to right click on the "View on Google Maps" link and select "copy link locaton" (on my Mac) and BOOM. There's a record of the CID#.

Well done.
Re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaroun

Things have changed again. New menu, "embed" option is a little hidden now.

<a href="">Google Moves Google Maps Embed Code Again - Here is where to find it!</a>

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