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Jan 24, 2013
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Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

EDITED by Linda 3/11 - Solution/Workaround in post #20 Below.

One of my colleagues noticed that we can no longer customize embedded maps in the old Google Maps.

Is anyone else seeing this or know of a work around on Google? I know it is still possible to customize the embed code through other means.

Today 2014-3-7 9 47 37.jpg
Before today
3-7-2014 9-49-49 AM.png 2014-3-7 9 47 37.jpg

3-7-2014 9-49-49 AM.png
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re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

I am seeing the same thing Alex. :eek:

I would love to know what the work around is for this. As we all know, this part of our Local SEO is important for embedding maps.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Oh MAN Alex! Thanks for sharing!

I've been going round and round in my private forum with consultant I train on how to embed the map right. Have a really advanced strategy that revolves around being able to get that map preview option.

And new maps does not do it right and so my consultants have been getting all confused. FINALLY just got them all squared away on how to get the classic maps embed code right.

We've been concerned that CLASSIC would go away. I never thought about them taking the edit/preview option away. Stinky!

One of the MAIN reasons, aside from the advanced stuff I teach, to use that edit/preview is that if you just grab the straight embed code the info bubble is always too high off the screen.

Like this: Cosmetic Dentistry San Mateo - Contact Us - Dental Implants Burlingame - Sedation Dentistry Foster City

But I guess Google giveth so Google can taketh away. :(
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Ugh!!!! So disappointing. It makes a map like to one you linked look terrible IMO. Would be nice is this were simply a test, but I doubt it.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

There is Preview/edit in New Maps, so you can center, re-size and get things the way you want them but we don't like the way the embed code is.

ALSO with new maps Google (if I remember right) plans to add ADS in the embedded maps so your clients map could have ads for other businesses.

So I guess this is a forced move. If you want to customize/preview maps, you need to use new maps so they can stick ads in them. :(
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

In local SEO the Sky is always falling!
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Ya in the grand scheme of things this is just a small thing compared to other Google changes/issues.

But for me as a trainer, this presents a rather big problem as now I have to figure out a work around and then totally redo a big section of my training. Cuz the embed a map part of the training is right in the middle of a video that includes tons of other info. So this one change makes me have to totally redo the whole thing. Which I don't have time to do.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

This is really upsetting. It seems they are really determined to get everyone using the new maps and load em up with ads...
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

If you create a custom map in the "my places", select the link "or create with classic my maps", you then can customize that map. Custom maps are not the best but you can truly customize everything within the info bubble.,-93.234015&spn=0.037053,0.084543

Also, if someone can figure out how to enter the place page CID into this link, here is the customizer. I just cant get the marker to show.,0.084543&output=embed&hl=en&gl=us
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Thanks Alex. I'll have to check it out over the weekend. I'm sure with getting more eyes on this, we can figure it out.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Whoa Jamie, very helpful for someone technical enough to go there. (Not me.)

Thanks so much for sharing your spreadsheet!
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Thanks for this Alex, however, I wasn't able to get it to generate an embedded map. In fact, the message it produced was "this map cannot be embedded." I'm probably doing something wrong or they close this up. This whole situation is just so discouraging.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Celeste, it lets me embed. It's just the that straight embed code has the info window too high so cuts all of the important info off. So does not look good, but the embed code is correct with name and CID in it.

I've been working on it and am close to having a solution, I think.

Where are you getting the message "this map cannot be embedded."?

I think you are doing something wrong. I think you should just use new maps as that will be easier for you.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

I have a work around figured out. It's a little kludgy but def works.

It's too hard to explain via typing and I assure if I try to explain that way folks will get confused, so I'll need to try to find time (and the nerve) to make a vid. Vids still intimidate the heck out of me so I need to work up to it and be in the mood. :p
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Awesome! Can't wait to hear, I mean see, this. Thanks Linda.

Maybe a stiff drink will help.
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Haha! If I was still a drinkin' woman we'd all be in trouble!

If anything was going to drive me drink it would be Google :eek: :p AND it would have happened by now. ;)
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Conquered my fear. Video done. That wasn't do bad.
No libations needed Scott. :p

Waiting to post it Monday AM when more will see it. Sunday's are dead around here. :eek:
re: Customize & Preview Embedded Map Missing in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

Sorry vid is done but now have new and even more mind numbing email problems.

On phone with tech support all day and now going hoping to get someone to remote in.

I won't be posting anything til I get this fixed.

Now I can't even get NEW mail. I'm dyin over here.
re: Now Missing - Customize & Preview Embedded Map in Google Classic Maps - Workaround

OK kids, here is the work around for the missing customize and preview option on Classic maps, to get your embedded maps looking centered and groovy.

<iframe width=700 height=557 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//"></iframe>​

Scuse my stumbles, was in a rush to get this done.

FYI in case anyone asks, the page on my blog that I show in the video that has the map examples I created, is not anywhere live where you can see it. I do map tests in word press and just preview the draft, so it's not published live.

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