More threads by Linda Buquet

Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

Are you talking no local pack results at all for some keywords, Celeste?

Yes that's been discussed a lot. Real estate and divorce attorney type keywords are 2 of the most notable local queries where packs have gone missing.

Many other packs were reduced from 7 to 3.

I also have noticed that Apartment searches have disappeared. Searches like "Apartments In Salt Lake City" however, "Apartments Near Me" shows the pack. It's possible that Google is wanting more of a localized search in order to provide map packs as this has been mentioned before in previous threads.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

I probably shouldn't have used the term "category" Linda. I meant a certain theme of keywords. In this case is was related to marine construction where several variations on that phrase had showed in local results and then they stopped presenting in local.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

I have been seeing partial match businesses and partial match domains doing very well recently in the map pack. Much better than they should be doing.

That example is an exact match business name. I think that's probably why it's doing so well.

In the process of turning down their signals based on location (allowing other local businesses outside of the city, but close in proximity to rank) they may have jogged this signal too high.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

^^^ That is what I was seeing in organic as well for "City + Home Inspector" phrases. I think I missed that they were exact/partial match with either City or Keyword in them, because I was so focused on them all being home pages (other franchises used to do quite well, with sub-pages that were locally optimized).
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

99% of the crazy results from Pigeon that I've seen can be explained via Penguin penalties. The other 1% have all been partial or exact match business names or domain names or a combination of both.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

Yikes... my brain hurts.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

I have seen some crazy exact domain matches doing well. And these are sites with no Mozrank or domain age.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

Ya Pigeon likes EMDs even more than before.
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

Oh and that trick where I was able to refresh and see different datacenters???

Google fixed my wagon. Stopped working. She pulled the plug on that.

I can't share anything with you guys any more! :p

Major weird changes today. See the 9/24 screenshots and analysis over here.

<a href="">Tracking Google Local Pigeon Flux Over Time</a>
Re: Pigeon Analysis - New Insights about this Crazy Google Local Algo & the Constant

Post at the Google Forum: <a href="!msg/business/CHfARWGxRE4/KemUPqQSt0oJ">My listing keeps rotating - Google Product Forums</a>

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