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Top New Year Wishes for Google Local - VOTE!

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Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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Tis the season! You'll see "Best of 2014" lists and you'll see posts with "Predictions for 2015".

However, I thought I'd get a little New Years poll going, highlighting the most common wishes, suggestions or feature requests you all would most like to see added to Google My Business in the coming year.

<img src="" alt="newyearpolTtop" width="85%" />​

Help shape the future of Google Local in 2015. If you take time to weigh in, you can be sure Google will see this because they read my forum and I'll also be sure to personally alert management to this poll.

I've only listed some of the main requests I've heard or could think of, since there is a poll limit. BUT I'm sure there many other creative suggestions out there. You might even have a cool idea no one else has thought of yet. If so, please share!

Vote for your favs above now - multiple choices allowed. (But try to keep it to your top 2 or 3)
Feel free to add any other New Year wishes/suggestions below too.

And lest we forget, here are a few of the features we wanted for a long time that Google has recently given us. We need to remember to be thankful for what we already have!

Unified dashboard
Everyone upgraded and on the same platform
Better dashboard messaging
Improved and clarified quality guidelines
Instant verification
Phone support
Improved reporting (even phone tracking)
Review dashboard and notifications
Add managers and transfer accounts options
Mobile listing management app
Upgrades to bulk (GMB Locations)
And more...

I know I missed a couple updates, but I think I mentioned most of the important ones.

Fire away on that poll now, because Google is listening!

Please share other wishes/feature requests below, that are not covered in the poll.

Also please elaborate on any of the poll choices. For example if you voted for "better listing management interface for agencies" - please explain what that would look like to you.
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="Vote for the GMB updates/improvements you'd most like to see next year. Fire away, because Google is listening.">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
My wish is for one custom category. I don't care if it has to end in supplier or service or whatever, just give us an ability to properly list businesses that don't fit into the existing limited boxes.
Oh that's a good one Michael. Just one custom. That would make a lot of sense!

So how about the rest of you? What's high up on your Google wishlist???
Thanks for voting too Michael, Christa, Rachel, Lori, Carmen and sarkarn.

So far citation reporting tool and better Local spam algo/removal are in the lead.
Allow verified agencies to not have to use phone verification. Or give us more verifications per phone number. A minor annoyance, but somewhat time consuming.

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