More threads by michelleg

Nov 26, 2013
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First, I'd like to say reading through this forum has been very insightful. Everyone is so generous with their knowledge. I'm quite new to local seo, only having completed for a handful of clients in very small communities (less the 10K).

I'd like some advice before adding a realtor client to google my business. She has 2 office locations to 2 different cities but does not maintain regular business hours.

My inclination is to simply hide her address and mark her as a service area business but does this make sense for a realtor? And now with 2 office locations I'm not sure at all if I can add both locations and mark them both as service area businesses?
Hi Michelle,

Thanks for posting. Glad you've been finding the info here helpful.

1st off, check this post about business hours. To be on maps (even with address hidden) you need to list business hours.

<a href="">Unwritten Rule - Be Sure To Set Hours Right in Google My Business Dashboard</a>

I would not do service area if she's in an actual office building, but DEF would if either office is her home office.

I think if commercial office I would just do standard business hours since she is probably working and answering the phone at those times. In businesses like this you just can't always predict when you'll be in the office.

FYI have you heard about the Pigeon update? In most cities Realtor type KWs are no longer even showing a local pack at all. Hopefully it's temporary though as there have been lots of problems with this update.
Hi Linda,

Thank you for the reply. I have been keeping up with the pigeon update and spoke to the client's point of contact (the web designer) related to the lack of maps pack listings for realtors. She's decided to go ahead with the google my business completion for now and as you stated hopefully it's just temporary.

I still need to read the link you sent but that was actually my biggest concern was that she is not in the office regularly (both locations are commercial offices) or for set days/times. She's typically out showing properties and does not have staff to man the office while she is out. Actually I'll need to double check with the web designer as I'm not sure the realtor has land line phones set up in the offices, she may be working from a mobile phone only.

So it sounds like it's accepted that in such a business, it isn't unusual for the office to be closed during what is considered regular business hours and is ok to add to google my business?
Actually if she's always out showing and no one is there, she should set up service area.

She can have a G+ Local page but it needs to have some type of hours because by appointment only businesses are not allowed. But as far as customers go, most would call 1st I would think and not just drop by.

If there is only one phone, she should only have one listing.

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