More threads by aaronb


Jun 27, 2019
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We manage the GMB of a Hearth and Home store. Recently on their GMB the Food Ordering tab was added as an option on the left side of their dashboard. The are not a restaurant of any kind. They are a chimney, fireplace and hearth related shop. I checked their categories and they do have Grill as an option which I believe is the reason for this being added. My question is what is the best way to get the food ordering feature removed from their GMB? Will simply removing Grill from the categories do it or would I need to reach out to Google Support? Thanks.

Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing for them.
Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 9.09.20 AM.png
I think removing "Grill" will solve the problem.
Yep. removing Grill as a category cleared everything up. Removed Food Ordering from the Dashboard within a few minutes of when the changes were made.

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