More threads by rvanpopering


May 20, 2022
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Attempting to take over some GMB listings from an acquisition. I've had the current GMB profile owners transfer ownership to me, received the invitation via email to own the profile, clicked "Accept" button, received 403. Went back to invitation email, clicked "Accept" again, received message that "You already have access to this account". Attempt "Manage this account" button, received 403.

Per this Google documentation, could take up to 7 days to gain ownership...has anyone experienced this before? Transfer primary ownership of a Business Profile - Google Business Profile Help

Note that I am indeed logged in with my GMB credentials.
I've seen cases where a 403 link is just an artifact and when checking in the profile, the access has indeed been actually granted. Have you verified that (as opposed to just trying to re-click the email's link)?

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