More threads by erkucman


Apr 1, 2022
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Hi everyone, I hope the day is treating you well.
The issue I encountered is very particular, and although it is not really consequential for the Local SEO performance of the client, the issue is bugging me personally, so I decided to share it here to see if I can get fresh perspectives around here.
A little bit context first, I am working with a client with an in-house SEO department, and help them establish their local SEO strategy. This client has multiple locations across different countries, and each location has sub-sections which they also want to advertise as different branches. Google is also on board with this practice, so basically we have 2 pins at one location. For visualization let's say that the client owns a chain of hospitals, and they also have a dental clinic inside. And they have particular locations for those dental clinics (which are inside hospitals) Google is on board with this, so we didn't have any issues Google side, and we have an ongoing project to optimize those dental clinics.

So far so good.
Now the situation that I encountered is this:;

1) They opened a new branch in a new location.
2) They created a landing page for the hospital but not the dental clinic
3) Both GBP pages are optimized properly (NAP, Opening Hours, Images, correct categories, map pins, etc. )
4) Hospital Landing page contains all necessary keywords and information (NAP + Opening hours, a dynamic map, Location and Business category in both the title and H1)
5) Dental clinic doesn't have a particular landing page for the moment, it just leads to a generalized page for Dental Clinics on the main domain (Dental clinic LP's are something we are working on)
6) The query (Hospital + Location) brings our new location at the top as expected (and it's aggressively advertised so traffic is also quite high and growing)
7) The query (Dentist/Dental Clinic + Location) shows the dental clinic relatively high, it performs suboptimally but that was expected.
8) Now comes the weird part and sorry for giving this much background information before coming to this but I wanted to isolate variables above before receiving any feedback.

The query Hospital + Location + Brand Name does NOT show the client's new location. Furthermore, it shows the dental clinic at the top, followed by other locations of the same brand in nearby districts.

So when someone searches for XYZ Hospital Brooklyn, the SERP shows XYZ Dental Clinic Brooklyn, XYZ Hospital Queens, and XYZ Hospital Manhattan. But not XYZ Hospital Brooklyn itself.

So the question is this: Why would a location show on the general industry/service search queries, but not on a navigational query?
(And this issue is only specific to this new location, they didn't encounter this issue in any of their other locations, despite following the exactly same template)

The business name is: "Brand Name" Hospital "District Name"

the query "Brand Name Hospital District Name" does not show the aforementioned business at all (but shows the sub-location).

however, the query "Hospital" "District Name" shows the location and it performs relatively well.

The brand name and industry name appears in reviews, GBP title, GBP description, landing page title, and landing page headers. What may I be missing here?

Thank you for your time
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