More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
This is post #2 to start sharing here some of the more interesting or complicated support threads I work on over at the Google forum.

This one is interesting. He complains because his reviews are gone.
But see what I discovered...

<a href="!msg/business/uRn8SdCw-aY/OquT1boYzwkJ">All reviews got DELETED on my business page - Google Product Forums</a>

the issue that I am trying to get assistance with is that I had to do a restore on my Google+ account, after deleting it on accident and when I did so, I lost 16 reviews from my page. Can anyone tell me why this happened and how I can fix it?

My reply:


All the reviews are still live, but on a different page. That page you linked to is just a plain G+ page, the type of page used for social that does not rank in maps or have the review option at all.

Here is your G+ Local page that has your reviews. but this page is missing the social features.

So it looks the like the pages split into 2.

I'd call support like treebles said. Point them to this thread so they understand and see if they can merge them for you or tell you what to do.

There were other comments. Click the link above to read the full thread.

Don't really know for sure how that happened, but hopefully support can take care of it for him.

Could be temporary and something to do with this: "I had to do a restore on my Google+ account, after deleting it on accident".

Have you ever seen a page split like that?

I've def seen cases where Google deleted the local side of the page for violations and it left the G+ social only part of the page. But I don't think I've seen a page split into 2 live pages like this before.

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
That's a new one to me. I've never seen/heard of a page splitting like that. Support should be able take care of that for him though.
Just shared another case that's interesting and almost the opposite problem.

He complains because his reviews are gone. But see what I discovered... It's more of a weird merge/dupe problem.
I don't quite get this case. Google detects a personal profile that is also business and decides to split it into two without notification, but still continues to link to the personal G+ instead of the commercial one?
Looks like it's fixed now so if you view thread will be confusing because the pages are no longer what they were.

But in nutshell something he did I think caused the G+ L page to split in 2.
One page was social with no reviews. The page with reviews had no follow button or anything so was pure local.

Now they are back together all on one page.

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