More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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◈ Dynamic Local Content, Local Video SEO & Google Business View - 3 New Forums


Welcome to our new Local Content forums!

After our highly successful InsideLocal webinar about content generation ideas,
we decided to create a new sub-forum devoted to content issues.

I spent Sunday categorizing and reorganizing and now we have 3 new sub-forums FILLED to the brim with content resources. H/t to the Imprezzio team! It was Diana Spektor's idea and Colan passed it on to me.

<a href="">Local Content Discussions</a>

◈ Local Content Creation
◈ Local Video & Video SEO
◈ Google Business View

Each forum has TONS of ideas, resources and discussion. Here are just a couple of the top posts:

<a href="">Red Hat Local Search Optimization</a>

<a href="">16 Tips for Creating UNIQUE City Landing Page Content</a>

<a href="">100 Dynamite Ideas for SMB Blog Posts - Get Those Clients Blogging!</a>

<a href="">Hardcore Video SEO Resources with a Local Search Emphasis</a>

<a href="">DYNAMIC! Google Business View: Get your Creative Juices AND Your Traffic Flowing!</a>

So if you are hung up on content creation OR have questions OR need help, those are the forums to post related topics in.

Find all 3 new forums here: <a href="">Local Content Discussions</a>.

FYI I also added a Multi-Location Issues forum. We have the largest repository of Multi-Location tips and resources on the web, previously just organized under a hashtag. So now that topic has a home too.

Happy reading! :)
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