More threads by Mikek86


May 9, 2020
Reaction score
I've tried to mark Flood Kings as Closed. It didn't work. This is a chart from the ten ppl that have left them reviews. Keep in mind that these places are all over the country. I also only copied the ones in my industry, there were many more overlaps. One of their pictures has a logo'ed truck. I googled the phone number and the company was dissolved in 2014. With Google's new update they're in the top 3. How can I have this removed?
Fake Review Chart.png
Nice work first of all. Hopefully, all those profiles, reviews and listings are linked...right? If so, PM me a link to the sheet and I can escalate it for you as a review spam network. (normally you could have done this via support)
Hello, I have had 2 clients, one received 4 4-star reviews from seeming bots, and another received 20+ from more spam accounts, can you please help with getting them looked at? In the past I could call GMB and get help, but that doesn't seem to be an option these days :(
When I looked at Flood Kings in Dallas, this is the first thing that popped up in Streetview, right next to their map pin.


The address also seems to be fake, or at least isn't deliverable, according to a SmartyStreets lookup.

Thanks Zach. Doesn’t seem like Google cares much about these fake listings.
Have you considered the Google Business Redressal Form, if marking it as closed doesn't work? The form allows you to submit evidence that an actual human will eventually review. Processing times are fairly slow, especially now, but you may stand a better chance with that avenue.

Here is a guide that @BenFisher wrote for using the redressal form effectively.

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