More threads by WilliamGMBE


Apr 7, 2021
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Wanted to reach out to the wonderful community here for feedback.

We build it to reduce our time, and wanted to share it. The Chrome extension is called 'GMB Everywhere'. The free extension shows the business categories on all Google Map business page by default. See the screenshot below. The orangish color shown in the screenshot below is the categories. You can add the extension from the Chrome extension store.

Screenshot GMB Everywhere.PNG

We are hoping to build if of as a GMB assistant. At present though these are the features in the product.
- Show GMB categories on all business page.
- Primary category is marked with a star icon.
- Shows GMB categories without any trigger.

Hope this will be helpful to the community here. Would love to hear your feedback:)
Looks good. Would be nice if it worked in the local finder, not just maps. GMBspy is a similar extension that works in both places.
This is a great feedback. Had not thought about this before. Technically this seems easy to implement too. We will prioritize it towards the top of our backlog.

At present we have this issue with a lot of our users mistaking the Local Finder view for Google Maps. Implementing it on local finder will take care of that confusion.

Thank you @Tony Wang for the feedback. Really appreciate it.
Thank you everyone from here who provided feedback for this application on our extension support page. We have already deployed some of the request. The major ones are:
- It now works with country level domain. So, if someone searches from, even then it shows the result.
- It now works for hotel businesses. Now you can search hotels and similar businesses, and it still shows up :)
We are happy to announce that GMB Everywhere chrome extension will now show categories on the search result page too. See screenshot gif below, on the left you can see the categories.

Video Of Search Functionality (2).gif

This means that you can now analyze categories in the search page itself. It lets you easily find the relation between categories and the search term you are trying to target.

This update should automatically happen for you in a day or two if you already have GMB Everywhere chrome extension installed.

Thank you everyone in the this community for providing us feedback :) Keep em coming.
Looks good. Would be nice if it worked in the local finder, not just maps. GMBspy is a similar extension that works in both places.
Hi @Tony Wang , thank you for this suggestion. GMB Everywhere now works with the Local Finder too, we just deployed now. See screenshot below.

Please let me know if you have any additional suggestions or feedback.

Recording #7.gif
I just joined these forums so I'm a bit late to the party discovering your plugin, but let me add my praise. I really like the audit reports.
Hi @randy

Really glad you liked it :)

If you have any questions or feedback, do feel free to reach out to us :)

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