More threads by HoosierBuff

Dec 12, 2013
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Hi all,

A question here for the group. I have a home developer who has a site for his company, and then, a site for every development that he builds in. The question is, should he create a website for each development that he is in (assuming he owns the entire development), or should he have one website with pages for each development.

In thinking this thru:
- He will automatically win for his brand name
- He will automatically win for the names of the developments

His opportunity is in the "new homes near <town name>".

I guess the question would be, why would you NOT want it all one site. If you have it on one site, the links for the one development benefit the whole site.

anything I'm missing here?
Re: Home Developer - one site or Many?

I generally never recommend multiple sites because it's more expensive and you don't get to share all the link juice. However, I could see multiple sites having the advantage of exact-match domains and also they could be a lot more user-friendly for users.

I would suggest trying his next development by adding it to his main site and see if ranking takes longer or faster than usual.
Re: Home Developer - one site or Many?

Like Joy mentioned, it's definitely more costly to have multiple sites running (both in $ and time). It all depends how much time you have to put into all the sites. It's worth testing, but I usually go with one site + specific silos for each since that would be easier to manage.
Re: Home Developer - one site or Many?

Each new site will take much longer to rank. How much longer? Depends on the competition. I usually put the timeline at 6 months - 1 year depending, again, on competition.
Re: Home Developer - one site or Many?

I agree with everyone above.

As I always say...

Divide and conquer? No

"United we stand" works best with Google. One strong site. Targeted pages.

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