More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Google is becoming more transparent about how search works.

Below is a newly released AMAZING infographic from Google, that shows the big picture.


It confirms what I've been saying about the fact that there are over 200 factors involved in the pure organic algo. (Then for local searches we have additional factors that come into play but this info is mainly relating to organic.)

Additionally Google for the 1st time publicly shares their 43 page Search Quality Rating Guidelines.
These are the guidelines used to teach human reviewers how to identify spam and bad players.

Then here is a section all about spam and how it's identified.
Fighting Spam - Inside Search by Google

Really amazing stuff!

WOW! :eek::D

I heard over the last 24 hours about this infographic, seen some "screenshots" from Search Engine Land, but the "interactive" version is amazing! - Screenshots can't do it justice.

Great resource from Google :D
I really liked the interactive view of what is being removed at that moment. I would love to know which is manual, and which is being done automatically I was checking it out yesterday and some of the stuff being de indexed looked better than I would have suspected.

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