More threads by xavier_colomes

Jun 14, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all!
I guess you all noticed that hundreds of business owners are seeing that they lost between 10 and 50 (all 5 stars reviews) today.
It's clearly a change of the algorithm that impacted businesses from all over the world, and probably related to the push from countries like Italy and the UK to strengthen the fight against fake Reviews.

Some initial hypothesis would be that they either changed the geoolocation parameters, maybe to make them narrower to the business location or that they detected a new pattern on the review that triggered it to be considered fake or spam.

I'd love to have. your thoughts on that!

Any update on this issue? My clients are facing this issue too. The reviews are there, but the number showing total reviews is incorrect.
I am seeing signs of review counts getting fixed. I have seen it in two examples.

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@petercanthropus & @keyserholiday We ( have offered deleted review monitoring for a long time (on all your reviews independent of when they were placed) and have a lot of historic data for all deleted reviews of our customers. We published an article on that recently: Why Does Google Delete Your 5-Star Reviews and What to Do

If this is still a very hot topic we might renew the dataset soon-ish and write about ti again.
Interesting article,, and good to know you track reviews history. That's a keen feature!

@petercanthropus, GatherUp currently offers the ability to download a CSV or PDF of all reviews AND review responses (the responses can be critically useful when Google restores reviews, yet not responses until you submit evidence of them 🙄). Keep in mind this is *not* a monitor/alert/maintain dropped reviews situation, and it's a point-in-time. For some businesses, it's enough insurance.
Yes, I can see some of my clients getting back their numbers. There's one that's at 250 now, from 208 this morning. They have 255 reviews in total, so it's close.
We're seeing things return on our end too;

The count for one of our clients is currently at 651 (up from 576 this morning and 614 yesterday).

We have a couple that haven't moved since this morning, but hopefully, we'll see it shake out in the next day or two.
Yes, reviews are coming back again but not for all my businesses. Some of them do not changing during last 20 hours. Does someone knows will Google continue coming back reviews or that's the finish?

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