More threads by Sharon


Aug 21, 2012
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I handle Local SEO for two larger agencies. One of which handles a lot of home services clients, so not exactly a walk in the Google+Local park. Today, I was going to set up two new clients that have no existing +Local/Pages. Great! This should be pretty easy...

Except that they both had used yellow pages or just done something really dumb in the past & HOLY (potential) DUPLICATES BATMAN! Between the two companies I was planning to set up today I found the following: different addresses associated with the business name, different phone number(s) associated with the business name, 3 different URLS for one business, and blatant misspelling of the businesses name.

Is it too early for an adult beverage? :confused:
Sharon your post gave me so many little chuckles, just cute the way you wrote it. :)
But I assure you I can empathize and feel your pain. Hate when that happens!

It's 10pm somewhere in the world, so in my book it's never too early for an adult beverage :) Plus, you'll need to be happy/sane in order to get through all the duplicate-listing cleanup over the next few months...
LOL . . yeah, chuckled, too. This is what amazes me when businesses aren't willing to pay for this service. They have no idea and won't want their personnel taking the steep learning curve to do it for them. Just amazes when they figure they can "figure it out" themselves. I'll be I could figure out brain surgery on my own, too, but you wouldn't want me operating on your head FIRST . . .LOL

Okay, back to work for me. . .

Theresa :cool:
LOL Theresa, so true.

But on the flip side, I don't blame SMBs for 'thinking' they can.
And they 'should' be able to!

Why would they think anything different. Most business owners probably think:

"This is a self service product from Google, the biggest tech company in the world.
All I have to do is enter my business info in the fields and it should just work."

It should not be this freaking hard! :mad:


IN seo it is NEVER to early for a drink!! good luck and hang in there! I have SOOO been there done that!
And now I'm dealing with the new localeze/neustar interface-managed to avoid it for the past couple months. It's a wreck-terrible to navigate and it seems impossible to correct information without paying them $297. Ugh. They're like the yellow pages reborn or something. :mad:

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