Linda Buquet
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Mike Blumenthal just wrote what I consider to be the best and most important post of 2012.
It's a no-hold barred expose of the train wreck Google Local has become (and has been for a long time.)
He succinctly lays out the most important problems Google Local has and gives recommendations for how businesses should handle the current problems and lack of direction. He's also trying to push for change or at least get communication from Google regarding what the plan is to get things on track.
Here are just a few choice snippets, you really need to head over and read the whole thing.
Mike goes on to make recommendations for businesses and consultants as far as how to proceed since everything is murky and unclear right now. He and I agree it's best to WAIT and not upgrade/merge/verify Google+ if you have not yet.
Jade stopped by the forum yesterday and said she agrees waiting is probably the best idea too.
Mike also calls out Google and asks for SOME type of communication - a plan or a solution.
I totally agree with everything Mike says. Here are my comments:
Other comments are starting to come in and I anticipate this post at Mike's may get more comments over time than any other, due to all the pent up frustration so many have been feeling for so long.
Google we REALLY do need to see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. I wish whoever the heck is in charge, would respond over at Mike's and gives us some hope!
It's a no-hold barred expose of the train wreck Google Local has become (and has been for a long time.)
He succinctly lays out the most important problems Google Local has and gives recommendations for how businesses should handle the current problems and lack of direction. He's also trying to push for change or at least get communication from Google regarding what the plan is to get things on track.
Here are just a few choice snippets, you really need to head over and read the whole thing.
Google Local: Train Wreck at the Junction
Google Local is a veritable train wreck for business listing management. The Dashboard is in a state of non functioning disrepair, the + Page path to listing management is full of bugs...
The problems are compounded by Google’s unclear complete lack of guidance as to whether the Dashboard or the social local management environment is the future of their local interface...
Has Google Local fallen prey to a failure of management or management turnover?
Is Local under funded?
Is it under focused?
Is it too complicated?
Is the project so big (and incredible) that its gestation period is longer than that of an elephant?
Did the Local team get side tracked by the forced march to social?
Has the strategy of release early and iterate often failed because Google has forgotten the iterate part?
Are we just seeing a failure of execution?
There is a LOT more, need to go read the rest here.
Mike goes on to make recommendations for businesses and consultants as far as how to proceed since everything is murky and unclear right now. He and I agree it's best to WAIT and not upgrade/merge/verify Google+ if you have not yet.
Jade stopped by the forum yesterday and said she agrees waiting is probably the best idea too.
Mike also calls out Google and asks for SOME type of communication - a plan or a solution.
I totally agree with everything Mike says. Here are my comments:
Mike you really boiled it down well and summed it up in a way I don’t think anyone else could. You know me, it would have taken me 10 pages to write that.
I’m constantly amazed that the train wreck is really as bad as I think it is. I sometimes wonder if my perspective is skewed to the negative, because due to helping in the Google forum, I see so many of the problems and disgruntled users. It’s just so hard to fathom a company as big as Google could have a product this crippled and broken.
I wonder all the same things you do. And as closely as you and I both work with Google every day, I still can’t put my finger on what’s wrong or answer the questions you asked. Underfunded? Forgotten step child? No one really in charge any more? Focus shifted to +? Just too complicated, crippled and tied up in knots at this point to fix?
I try very hard to be positive and am by nature an optimist. Every now and then I see a little glimmer of light and try to latch onto it. But then it goes away. It’s been really gray for awhile now – like local has totally been put on the back burner. Things just seem stalled and I agree, Google needs to step up with some communication to let us all know there’s light at the end of the tunnel, there is a plan and things are going to get better.
Since Jade will be reading this I feel the need to say something at this point. Due to her position she’s sort of seen as the ‘face’ of local. Jade I know how hard you work to try to help where you can, so none of this is a reflection on you. You aren’t the head of engineering or support or on the review spam team or in charge of policy making. I know many times your hands are tied and assume you may feel as frustrated and impotent as we do.
Weird to say this as much as I work directly with folks at Google every day, but I don’t even know who’s running the ship currently. Do you Mike? Who’s ultimate responsibility is local now? I think it would be wise for someone very high up at this point to step in and let us know there IS a plan and local IS a priority and things ARE going to improve!
Other comments are starting to come in and I anticipate this post at Mike's may get more comments over time than any other, due to all the pent up frustration so many have been feeling for so long.
Google we REALLY do need to see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. I wish whoever the heck is in charge, would respond over at Mike's and gives us some hope!