More threads by amy.inbound

Jun 5, 2014
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Anyone seen this before? This is a verified page that we don't have access to. Trying to get access but thought someone might have some insight. I'm guessing it's a verified listing created by their phone provider?


If you click edit details and drop down the website menu it only has one website listed. Don't know where the Bell one is pulled from, I've never seen a link formatted like that before.


Hey, interesting stuff! It looks to me like Google has crossed some wires. Or maybe this was done intentionally by a user somehow.

Looks like the link to BELL is for a shop within a mall that is across the road from First Executive Centre.

What's really odd is that the BELL listing has a whole bunch of stores from the mall linked to it:


The Google+ Local page for the mall has the stores linked to it as well -

You can select the "edit details" link on the First Executive Centre page and select "Place is not located in Bell"

Thanks Colan!

I saw that edit details option after I posted the thread and was investigating some more. I wonder how Bell did that? We requested a transfer of ownership of the verified listing that links to Bell.

Will post an update if I figure out what the relationship is/ how Bell added all these companies to their G+ Local profile!

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