More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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I just spotted a post that theorizes this is some kind of new Google test, but I suspect this is not a test. It's just a locations map that got indexed.

BUT I've never seen a locations map like that indexed before, but cool, if you have multi-location clients.

Here is the post from John Lincoln at Ignite Visibility.

<a href="">Google Map Location Ranking, New Google Test</a>

I am not sure if this is a new Google test or not, but I have never seen a Google map listing their location. This came up after an employee (nice find Rob) here did a search for Norms Restaurant.

This is an interesting find! Will Google start ranking category map results like Yelp? If so, what will be the specifics for optimization? What is interesting, is this could be big for multi-location clients. As you see, when you click on the listing it shows all of Norms Restaurants.

Google: Norms Restaurants

Toward bottom of page click the link that says:
Norms Restaurants Locations - Google (The one with the Google link)

That link takes you here: <a href="">Norms Restaurants Locations</a>

Which I believe is a locations map Norms created, not a search results page Google created, which I think is what the article is suggesting?

But anyway it's cool that map got indexed and ranked. Only problem is that the way the map was created, clicking a location only gives address. No phone or link to G+ L page for more info.

Still kinda cool and good to know.

What do you think???
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
Ya that's what I thought too Chris, thanks for confirming!

I'd just never seen them rank before, but it makes sense they would.
Hopefully any new folks reading this don't go out and start building a crap load of those maps now. More tactics, is not what we need.
Ya 3 or 4 years ago, folks thought the old my maps were a ranking factor, so people spammed the hell out of them. I saw one Chiropractor outsource it overseas and ended up getting 1000+ my maps showing up overnight. Not cool!
However I can see My Maps as a great way to add value and stickiness to a local site.

A "Local Attractions" type map like this: Local Attractions | Pointe Marine

Or a map of a certain type of related, non-competing businesses in the local area.
So like a shoe store showing a map of nearby clothing stores or whatever.

Lots of white-hat value add ways to use "My Maps", without spamming.
Yah I think if you focus on the user centroid and build out some great interest points it would be very useful.

Might be a helpful add for building out neighborhood pages.

"Our favorite places to eat in neighborhood 1" (2 and 3).

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