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Jan 22, 2013
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Our location has been in G+Local for a while, we never added it, but it is there. We completed a new listing (because we did not know the other existed) and have it 100% completed (videos, pix, etc.) The new listing has been approved, but is not showing up in G+Local listings, just the old one.

Any thoughts on how to have the new listing appear?


Hi there,

Just a couple questions. In the title you say "older" location, so do you mean that it's an old address/phone number or just and older listing with your current NAP?

How long ago did you verify the new listing?

Thanks for the quick response. The older listing is our corporate name, which nobody will know or recognize. The only correct info is our phone number and address, everything else is incorrect.

When I click on the "edit this listing" button, it takes me to my new listing with all of the correct info. The new listing was verified about two weeks ago.

Can you give us some more details, perhaps a link to the "older" listing?

---------- Post Merged at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:34 PM ----------

Thanks for the PM. What type of business is it?
Web development. We have been around a long time, and sold our main biz a while back, now we are getting back into the fray and figured we should optimize our own site before doing any other local businesses. :)
The older listing is our corporate name, which nobody will know or recognize.

The corp name is the name that SHOULD be listed. Unless you did a complete rebranding including new DBA, new bank account and all.

Hi Marc, the link would be helpful because there are so many different issues that could be at play.

Could be the 2 are merged. Could be the new one just isn't live yet. Could be other things. Can't really say without investigating.
Our location has been in G+Local for a while, we never added it, but it is there. We completed a new listing (because we did not know the other existed)

Confused about that part too. You said you created new because you didn't know the original existed, then how could you in same sentence say the old one has been live for awhile?

Also when you went to create the new one, if it's the same phone # it should have shown you the exsting listing and asked if that's the one you are trying to claim. It didn't do that?
The company name has always been Example Corp dba example media. Google just has Example Corp, no dba. Nobody would ever know our corporate name.

---------- Post Merged at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:00 PM ----------

I'm assuming the old one has been there for a while as we did not add it. I just noticed that the phone numbers are different, the address is identical but all of the other info is incorrect.
It sounds like you have a Service Area Business, if so you can't have a G+ Local account. As the G+L accounts are incompatable with SABs. If not then you'll probably want to take a look in Google MapMaker to see if you have two features, one, or some combination of duplicates. If you don't have a Service Area Business then you'll want to make sure the GMM feature linked to your G+L feature has an official name tag with your corporate name and the one everyone knows you/you do business as with the Primary name tag. Its helpful to have links to investigate to better advise you on your G+ Local issue.
It sounds like you have a Service Area Business, if so you can't have a G+ Local account. As the G+L accounts are incompatable with SABs.

Above may be really confusing. Because most of us call Place pages G+ Local, or Google+ Local or G+L. And you are saying not allowed.

Andrew is talking about Google+ Business pages (yes set with local category).

But he didn't mean SAB's can't have a Google+ Local or G+L account.

It's just the terminology is so confusing and everyone says it a different way and Google is making us all crazy! :rolleyes:

So to go off topic on terminology the follow is from and "Expert" that teaches about Google+ Local.

We use a bit different terms set in “XYZ Course” so lets set terminology straight while you watch the video...

Local Google+ Page – This is what used to be called a Google Places page.

Social Local Google+ page – This is the first step in merging your Local Google+ Page with what we used to call a Google+ Local Business page, now a Social Local Google+ page

Verified Social Local Google+ Page – This is what you get when you merge the Local Google+ Page (used to be places page) and the Social Local Google+ page (used to be a google+ local business page)

The 1st one and last one are totally backwards and the middle 2 are made up and non-standard, but hey everyone's confused.
Above may be really confusing. Because most of us call Place pages G+ Local, or Google+ Local or G+L. And you are saying not allowed.

Andrew is talking about Google+ Business pages (yes set with local category).

But he didn't mean SAB's can't have a Google+ Local or G+L account.

It's just the terminology is so confusing and everyone says it a different way and Google is making us all crazy! :rolleyes:

I guess I should have said a verified G+L page? Or a G+L page merged with a Google+ Business page?

Google needs to work on this branding. :confused:
Back to this company "Example Corp dba example media"

Sorry but you may not realize like Andrew and I do how very complicated these situations can be. We both dig around in listings all day long figuring them out. We usually have to look in multiple places to get to the bottom of the problem.

Could be your listing never went live. Could be it went live and was immediately deleted for violating guidelines. Could be it split in half because you changed NAP as you claimed. Could be a lot of different things.

Impossible for us to help more with out a link and the details. We'll just be wasting time shooting in the dark unless we can investigate and look at the actual listing.
I guess I should have said a verified G+L page? Or a G+L page merged with a Google+ Business page?

Google needs to work on this branding. :confused:

Ya just wanted to be sure he didn't think you were talking the 'other'. That's why half the time I still call it a Place page. Since that's what's in dash and it's just less confusiong.

It's just so freaking hard to explain and differentiate. And it keeps getting worse not better. The branding confusion is one of the 1st things I would have nipped in the bud months ago so people could even describe their problem or explain the solution without going through brain contortions. Pretty nuts.
Thanks for all of your replies. We do in fact have a Google+ Business page, but that is not what I have been referring to.

I have submitted a request to Google to straighten this out, they have replied with the
standard "we are working on it". Hopefully this will be straightened out shortly.

Thanks again!
Thanks for all of your replies. We do in fact have a Google+ Business page, but that is not what I have been referring to.

I have submitted a request to Google to straighten this out, they have replied with the
standard "we are working on it". Hopefully this will be straightened out shortly.

Thanks again!
Well good luck with Places support! Feel free to post the URLs if you want some advice.

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