More threads by raylaminac

Oct 16, 2013
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While reviewing an account I ran across something very interesting. It looks as though recently this client fell off of the local map pack. Digging deeper I tried to find a dupe or for signals that might suggest a merge, I didn't see anything that would lead me to believe that either of these are the issue.

I did however find something that I feel could be hindering the performance of their local listing.

After searching for their address I believe that the issue is the pin mark's location. The listing and the address used do not show that they share the same location by apx 66 ft.

Secondly there was an organic note for the same company in the same plaza a short distance from where the marker is. I say organic because there is no sign that it is a local listing. Typically there would be a link that says "more info" that would direct you to the listing, and this one does not have that.

Has anyone else seen or experienced a similar issue?


Attached, (hopefully) are some screenshots from each of the markers to help illustrate the dilemma.



Sorry Ray but I'm not following and the screenshots are too small to read so don't help me understand the issue.
example1.jpg This image is what comes up when we search the address. Located nearby our listing's marker placement but not spot on.

example2.jpg This image shows an "organic" maps listing for the business. Again the address is fine, it has a different URL and Phone# however. It is not for a G+ or anything, does not direct to listing at all, no review ability etc.

example3.jpg This is our local listing. Address is fine, everything looks good but it shows up at a different marker spot than what the address search displays

I would like to be able to get all three of these markers to agree on one concrete location if at all possible



The "organic note", the blue blip, is Google Adwords Express.

For this address the difference in St. and Street is recognized as different locations in Google maps.

This is normally not a big deal - but it is why NAP consistency matters.

In your case there are more "citations" with St than Street But your Google listing uses Street. You could update the listings to match your Google listings. But I would change the Google listing to St and update the listings that are using Street.

This is to address your problem indicated - all other ranking factors left aside.
But I would change the Google listing to St and update the listings that are using Street.

Thanks Broland.

Blumenthal, myself and others feel that Google is pretty good at knowing St = Street.

Since even a minor address change can upset the applecart and cause problems, I recommend usually not changing abbreviations just to match citations. G can figure it out. So if it ain't broke, it's just a formatting thing I recommend leaving it. Obviously if the address is wrong, then it's broken and you must fix it.
Ray said: "This image shows an "organic" maps listing for the business. Again the address is fine, it has a different URL and Phone# however. It is not for a G+ or anything, does not direct to listing at all, no review ability etc."

Ray you or client can control all those markers.

That 2nd image with the Blue marker is not some weird organic listing with no places listing. That's the clients Adwords ad and that's how they set it up. Linking to that other site with that phone # and that location.

The Places listing, have you tried moving the marker in the dashboard? What happened?
Can't believe I'd never seen one of those in the wild before. Thank you for clearing that up guys
When in doubt on format, I always utilize USPS:

[h=3]You entered:[/h]1620 RODGERS STREET
<!-- Begin zip-lookup-result-container-single.jsp-->[h=4]Here's the full address, using standard abbreviations and formatting...[/h]1620 RODGERS ST STE 5

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