More threads by Christa Morgante

Jun 12, 2014
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Hi All,

There have been many different discussions surrounding practitioner listings and how to overcome the problems between them and the main business page. I wanted to get some insight on what other people are seeing lately when it comes to business brand name searches and the listings that are populating.

I've practiced all of Linda's minimizing techniques and have seen it work really well, but over the last few weeks, I've had many practitioner listings populate for business brand name searches and can't figure out why??!?! It's not like these practices/firms went through re-branding or NAP change, so it seems pretty strange to me.

I may be way off here, but could it make sense that Google may be testing a new part of the algo for businesses with many practitioners (Attorneys, Dentist, Surgeons, etc), by showing all those (practitioners) working within the office rather the main business listing itself? Seems like a long shot, but I wouldn't put it passed Google, so I wanted to share my thoughts here to see if anyone else may be experiencing the same thing?

I've contacted support numerous times about this and to make sure all is okay in the back-end of the main listing (which it has been), but the only consistent answer I get is something like, "there must be a bug in the algo" or "continue to optimize and be active on your business listing, and in time, Google will recognize the authority on the main business page." Which isn't much help, when that's what I've been doing for years.

Here is an example of one that started showing like this last week.

Searched Term: Grossman Plastic Surgery Denver CO -- 2015-05-04_1102 - ChristaMo's library

Dr. Grossman --
Dr. Capraro --
Grossman Plastic Surgery --

I've had practitioner listings set up, verified and minimized for this client for over a year. When I search for the main business name with or without the geomodifier the same results show -- see the screenshot above. You can see that only the practitioner listings are showing. Even when i choose to see the map results -- the main business listing isn't even an option. Why Google, whyyyy?

Recently, I've also experience this with Google generated practitioner listings, where I have claimed, verified and optimized those, again using Linda's minimizing techniques, but am still having the same issue. So, it seems to be affecting both, aged and newly created/generated listings.

I know this has been an on-going issue, but I'm just curious to see what everyone else has been experiencing lately. Any feedback is welcome!
Oh wow! Thanks for the post, all the details and the head's up Christa!

I have people ask me all the time if my minimizing practitioner listings technique still works and I always say YES, because this is the 1st I've heard of a problem.

Sounds like you've been through it enough times that it might be and sounds like Google may have changed something.

I didn't look at your listings or anything yet, so can't give you anything specific.
But going to share this on Twitter and the G+ Pro Community to see if others are having problems as well.

For anyone reading that is not aware, here is my strategy for minimizing practitioner listings so they don't impact ranking of the main practice listing.

TONS of consultants I train use this technique with great success. But maybe Google put a wrench in it???

<a href="">Overcoming Google Practitioner Duplicate Listing Problems for Dentists, Attorneys</a>

Anyone else having the problem Christa mentions above???
Please weigh in!
Iv'e been seeing a few of these since last week. One in particular popped out of nowhere for me for the search "Los angeles personal injury attorney" and the E Listing is an attorney for a law firm there.

It's pretty interesting to me especially since on the surface level the firm has a lot of citations and references, but the attorney specifically does not.

I'll probably do a write up on this.
Casey, are you talking about George at Eline?

I've been watching at one for a long time. He's been in the pack instead of the Eline listing for about 4 months now I think. I've mentioned it a few times.

If I remember right George is using a different phone # than the practice.
But right now his listing is BORKED because there is NO phone and you can't have a listing without a phone #.

I have not checked this one in detail but since practice should be in pack in this case since I know Eline is a strong marketer (or hired someone that is) - I've always wondered if the practice listing OR home page has a penalty and is locked out of the pack so George shows instead?

But I think this is different than what Christa is talking about.

I think she's talking about a BRAND search for Eline Law, shows all the attys and not the practice listing.
@Christa...thanks for sharing. Have you looked at removing the Category "Medical Spa" From your GMB and clean up the description. You mention "Plastic Surgery" in the description 4 times.

Now that I am going through some older screenshots and searching I am also seeing more practitioner listings over established and verified brand pages.
Oh good idea to check like that Joy! Thanks for pointing out and a great way to compare the old results against whatever this new algo is.

When I get time I'll try to do some more research on this.
Iv'e been seeing a few of these since last week. One in particular popped out of nowhere for me for the search "Los angeles personal injury attorney" and the E Listing is an attorney for a law firm there.

It's pretty interesting to me especially since on the surface level the firm has a lot of citations and references, but the attorney specifically does not.

I'll probably do a write up on this.

Thanks for your input, Casey! I too find it interesting that they pull these listings even though there is clearly more equity for the main business across the web.

@Linda -- Although, my example is for branded search queries, I have seen the same issue with practitioner listings showing for similar keyword + Local searches as Casey pointed out. So, a part of me thinks they must be related in some way.

@Joy -- Thanks! I wouldn't have thought to look at it from a .ca perspective and it's interesting, it's showing as it use to. Makes me think even more, that they're be playing around with something in the algo.
I'm wondering if it's the toll free number throwing things off?
@Christa...thanks for sharing. Have you looked at removing the Category "Medical Spa" From your GMB and clean up the description. You mention "Plastic Surgery" in the description 4 times.

Thanks for the suggestion, @DustyBones!

I will update that and see if it has an impact.
Great feedback Justin, Scott and Joy!

Noticed more potential problems that could be causing brand confusion maybe?

Put the phone # from the practitioner listings into G Local and it shows what I think are unrelated businesses that have that same # but are in different suites??? states/s/(303) 320-5566

Not saying that's part of this problem but it's odd and could be an issue on other levels.
Great feedback Justin, Scott and Joy!

Noticed more potential problems that could be causing brand confusion maybe?

Put the phone # from the practitioner listings into G Local and it shows what I think are unrelated businesses that have that same # but are in different suites??? states/s/(303) 320-5566

Not saying that's part of this problem but it's odd and could be an issue on other levels.

Good find, Linda! Thanks for pointing that out. I will take a look.
Good find, Linda! Thanks for pointing that out. I will take a look.

NO NOT SO GOOD! That search was before Google pulled the plug on G+ Local Search.
NOW that link goes to a 404 error page!

That local search I had laid it out perfectly and was so easy.
Dang it makes me mad!
Actually these last 3 posts need to be moved to the RIP Local thread since it's all about dealing with the change, so I'm moving them over now. Don't reply here, follow me to the new thread. I'll drop a link here when I'm done.
OK all the posts that are about how to deal with the missing Local Search moved to that thread:

<a href="">RIP Google+ Local Search - More Changes</a>

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