More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of video for local businesses. So excited that I even have a new video product I've been trying to work on and hope to finish as soon as these RSI injuries heal up a bit.

Video is under-utilized by the average SMB, so you can really make your clients stand out.

PLUS there are so many other upsides to local video marketing!

Well if you want to capitalize on local video and want the high level data about how to make that happen, the Local Search Association has a FREE webinar today.

Here is the information from Greg Sterling.

<a href="">Seizing a Piece of the $9B Local Video Opportunity (Webinar: August 4)</a>

YouTube and Facebook in particular offer myriad local video opportunities for SMBs and their vendors.

In May Google talked about the explosive growth of ?how-to? searches on YouTube. The company said that these searches have grown 70% year over year. Many of these queries are being generated on mobile devices by people with an immediate need: ?91% of smartphone users turn to their smartphone for ideas while doing a given task.?

Borrell Associates has forecast that local online video will be worth more than $9 billion by 2018.

Which local-SMB categories will be most likely to spend? How much of this money will flow through programmatic buying channels? Which local media channels are in the best position to capitalize? What makes video different from other ad units?

Join LSA tomorrow at 2pm Eastern/11 Pacific for a thought-provoking and wide-ranging webinar look at the new local-video opportunity. You?ll hear about the latest forecast, market data and local case studies...

Above is just a snippet, so head over to read the rest.

REGISTER HERE: <a href="">How Will the Digital Video Boom Impact Local?</a>

If you need more food for thought, here is another good article about video from Greg:
<a href="">A Big Marketing Opportunity Most SMBs and Their Vendors Miss | LSA Insider</a>

And for tons more video goodness be sure to check out our subforum here:
<a href="">Local Business Video Marketing Forum</a>.

Do you utilize video for clients? Planning to do more?

Anyone here going to today's webinar???

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Darn, schedule conflicts caused me to miss this gem. Will it be available later? I have a few associates that I'm sure would be very interested, as I would!

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