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Feb 2, 2023
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I`ve been running the business for quite a while, simultaneously learning digital marketing. I`ve come to the point where my colleagues from other states are asking me to help them with promotion. I am familiar with Google Ads and launched tens of campaigns already. But when it comes to SEO, I am a little confused. SEO is all about great content, isn`t it? But how to produce quality content on a regular basis, especially about the industry you`re not familiar with?
Do you hire freelancers for that? If so, how often do you cycle them, preventing burnout? And how much is the pay?
Hi Timur, there is a lot more to SEO than just great content. Here's a whole series of videos/articles: What is SEO?

Before you try to do SEO for clients, I recommend you start by doing SEO for your own website, track your search rankings and traffic so you have data that shows you are getting results. Also figure out the tools and processes you're going to use. SEO can be extremely time consuming if you're just "winging it."
Hi @PaulSteinbrueck
I actually started my own SEO several months ago and it goes quite well as far as I can tell. Here are my rankings, and I haven't bought or acquired any backlinks yet. But I don`t know how to reproduce that, cause I created a lot of helpful content by myself, and it`s quite unique.

You're definitely on the right track with those position changes. :)

For content, it's all about the writer. If they're a good writer, they can write about pretty much any topic with just a handful of reference points. We handle SEO for a pest control company, a clothing company, a roofing company, and a jewelry store (along with others, but you get the idea). These four couldn't be any more different regarding content and audience.

But, for example, if your writer does a search for "pest control in phoenix" and reviews the content of "X" number of companies about a particular insect "crickets, for example," then they can quickly write up content in their own words and add enough information to make it worthy of indexing. Whether that's how to remove crickets on their own, when is it time to call an exterminator, when is the best time of year - etc etc etc.

As far as preventing burnout, it'll depend on the writer. Ask them how much they can write on X category/topic before they need something else. See if they can hit the deadlines you set. We have had writers with us for years, and others that last only a few weeks before everything starts to sound the same.

With ChatGPT, it's even harder to work with freelancers who aren't just phoning it in.

As far as pay, that's a touchy topic. You can find good freelancers that charge by the article, word, or hour. The price point usually also affects the quality of writing. Could you go on Fivver and snag someone for $30 and have them write a 500-word article? Yes. Would it be quality? Probably not. Do you find someone charging $300 an article and get a 1,000-word in-depth article with reference points, graphics included, and research performed on their end? Maybe, but again, it still depends on the quality of what is produced and what you and your client are willing to pay.

Do not, under any circumstances, find a writer for $300 and then charge your client $300 for the article. You must mark it up to include your time for finding the writer, writing the scope, reviewing their content, validating their content, importing it to the website, modifying it for SEO, updating titles/descriptions, etc. You must upcharge, and it must be worth your time.

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