More threads by Eric Rohrback

Eric Rohrback

Oct 3, 2012
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Does anyone have personal reviews or reasons why you like or dislike the WP plugin SEOpress? I'm looking at making a switch from Yoast and want to hear from others.
I haven't made the switch yet but will be purchasing the premium SEO Press for the next client site we do starting in about a week. From my research it's easier to use, cost effective, and doesn't have the constant upsells that Yoast does. I'll let you know how it goes.

A few sites had issues with Yoast's "image-geddon" that didn't do any real damage but took awhile to fix and their slow response in that has stuck with me.
Kind of in the same position as Matt. Yoast is making the plugin UI more complicated than it needs to be (hiding features), and the image thing was a turn off. Their response to the people using the plugin was pretty poor.

While Yoast is still a popular plugin to use, I'm always evaluating alternatives. I saw SEOPress and being that it's somewhat new to the market, just wanted some opinions.
Interesting. I'll check my sites but the few I checked were fine. I can't imagine this being a huge issue for anyone besides people with thin content.

Did it affect any of you guys?

P.S. I appreciate finding an alternative though.
That's kind of the problem, it created thin content for sites that otherwise were fine. I had to go through and fix all our client sites that were using the plugin. When that setting got switched it created (depending on how many images you have) hundreds to thousands of thin content pages that were able to be indexed. It was a mess.

None of my clients got hit by anything due to it, and a couple even lucked out because they didn't update the plugin.

Other sites using that plugin around the world were not as lucky. Those affected lost a ton of business.
Yup, it created an indexed page for every image with no other content. It took a long time, even after the setting was corrected, to get Google to stop showing those pages in a site: search.
Yoast has a couple of other quirks that can be annoying, especially in the Pro version. Interestingly, the free "Lite" version may avoid some of those issues.

Here's the link for the open source SEOPress: SEOPress

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