More threads by Nuro


Jan 20, 2025
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Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding the practices of certain companies in the plumbing services sector across German cities. I've noticed that a single company often uses different variations of its name for each location area to run local ads. However, the reviews consistently originate from the same Google Business Profile (GBP).

1st: How is it possible for them to utilize a single GBP for different company names in various cities? Are they sharing one GBP across multiple locations?
2nd: Do they officially have separate companies at each location? or does google accept also not official naming for local services?
3rd: Do they use the same Google Ads account for their payments, or do they create separate accounts for each location?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Plumping service: Sanitär notdienst...
City name: Wetzlar, Bonn, München...

1st: How is it possible for them to utilize a single GBP for different company names in various cities? Are they sharing one GBP across multiple locations?
2nd: Do they officially have separate companies at each location? or does google accept also not official naming for local services?
3rd: Do they use the same Google Ads account for their payments, or do they create separate accounts for each location?

Hey Nuro,

I'll preface this with the fact that I know zero about LSA policy in Germany.
  1. They shouldn't be able to use a single GBP for multiple businesses in different locations, with different names, in the same industry.
  2. In the U.S., the business name should exactly match the associated GBP, but I see instances to the contrary quite often.
  3. No telling what payment accounts are used - they could do either, is my understanding.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, maybe someone else can chime in. Here are a few related links:
Hi Chris,
thank you for your feedback.
I have here additional information.
The name of the advertisers is for all ads the same "Seibel GmbH & Co. KG".

Hey Nuro,

I'll preface this with the fact that I know zero about LSA policy in Germany.
  1. They shouldn't be able to use a single GBP for multiple businesses in different locations, with different names, in the same industry.
  2. In the U.S., the business name should exactly match the associated GBP, but I see instances to the contrary quite often.
  3. No telling what payment accounts are used - they could do either, is my understanding.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, maybe someone else can chime in. Here are a few related links:

I'm 100% speculating here, but is it possible that what's going on is the review-stealing trick that was rampant in the us (where they would somehow use the reviews of a completely unrelated GBP), but using a GBP that the company own?

Has the merge of LSA and GBP reviews been fully applied in Germany?

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