More threads by Dustybones

Aug 7, 2013
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Mike Ramsey digs into some click Through Rate Studies and looks over mobile and desktop. There are some nice little insights in this post. Thanks Mike...

5 Revealing New Local Pack Click Through Rate Studies

Enough with the intro. Let’s dive in. When changes happen I like to run whatever tests I can to understand the effects. While these click through rate studies don’t represent every search phrase, they sure do give us some interesting things to think about. For each of these we asked 100 individuals a variation of the following question:

“Pretend you needed an (industry) in (location). On a (Desktop/mobile device) you searched for “(Google Search Phrase)” and got the following search result. What listing, result, or option would you click/touch on next?”

Above is just a snippet, so head over to read the rest.

Are you seeing similar data?

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Awesome Justin, thanks for sharing.

Mike's info is always the best. Can't wait to read!

FYI, I'm sure he got this post out in preparation for the webinar I shared with you guys Monday.
It's coming up tomorrow. I'm going to try to be there - how about you???

<a href="">Hot Webinar: Top Local SEO Ranking Factors in 2015</a>

PLUS FYI David Mihm just sent all of us the new Local Search Ranking Factors questionnaire, so that should be coming out before too long too.
All the screenshots on that post are broken for me. Can everyone else see them? screenshots broken.jpg

screenshots broken.jpg
Works in FF for me. I think it's just fubarred in Chrome. For me anyway.
My favorite line by Mike "If you don?t have a local organic strategy you are missing the water, let alone the boat." He then #DropsTheMic and walks off stage.
Thanks for sharing at the Pro Community Cody.

I need more help cross promoting the good stuff, because there is just too much of it to post everywhere and my arms get worn out easy these days.

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